Insteon Local - Support for Multi-Behavior Devices

I am relatively new to home automation and very new to Home Assistant, and I have been pleasantly surprised with the ease of setup for Home Assistant (and very impressed with the documentation). And the program looks awesome. Well done to everyone who contributed to this tool.

I have a number of devices from Insteon (with the Insteon Hub 2 / 2014 version) and my end goal is to get everything connected and working through Home Assistant to HomeKit (via HomeBridge). I’ve got the lights and the switches working, through the Insteon Local component. The problem appears to be with all of the devices that offer multiple behaviors, where only one or none of the devices are recognized. In my collection of Insteon devices, this includes:

Fanlinc – only discovered as a light
On/off outlet – only one outlet is recognized (both are controllable via the iphone app)
Open/close micro-module – not recognized at all
Open/close sensor – not recognized at all

Is there any chance one (or all) of these devices are on the roadmap? Or are there any suggestions on how to modify the existing code to support these devices? I’m afraid I’m not much of a programmer (I’m a hardware EE), but I’d be willing to give it a try if it means I can get all my devices linked up and working.

Any help would be much appreciated.