I’m trying set “Night only mode” Insteon Motion Sensor II to true, but I receive the following error when attempting to LOAD/WRITE to the device in 2022.5.1 (Raspberry Pi 4), the problem only seems to be with Motion Sensors (three in setup), I’m able to LOAD/WRITE to other device types…
Running on 2245-222 hub with red light (no factory reset was preformed), all devices automatically detected in Home Assistant. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
I can’t either but I think I read once you can’t because it’s not active to write to or something. I ended up just using the before and after sun condition when making a scene or script.
I was finally able solve the problem by using Homeseer and their Insteon plugin. It appears incorrect data was written to the Motion Sensor II (by HA Insteon CP?) Day/Night Threshold values causing it to think it was constantly night.