Insteon Motion Sensor support

Insteon’s Motion Sensors appear to be unsupported (using Insteon Hub). They don’t appear on the entities list. Has anyone found a way to add support to them?

Ditto, just moving to the system and cannot get this puppy to hunt. For that matter the only thing I have left on the Hub is one switch… they seem to drop out and never come back.

Hey Jerry,
Just want to let you know that I believe Insteon has filed for bankruptcy recently and the hub server might not be functioning properly anymore. In any case I’ve switched to a different hub a long time ago, using the ISY994i instead, and it had worked really well for me for many years.

Thanks, does this Hub see Insteon devices… most of mine have vanished with the melt down.

Yes it does. Some versions also support z-wave, which has came in handy for me when integrating z-wave smoke alarms and automated blinds.

You can see the different versions here: