Insteon On/Off Only Controls Status LED, Not the Load

First time HA user here, with the goal of migrating to HA from the Universal Devices ISY. All my devices are Insteon. I have just installed HA on a new RPi-5. All looks good with that. I added in the Insteon integration and it has found and attached to the PLM modem; and found the links in that modem.

However - when I use the ‘on / off’ icon in the HA user interface what happens is that HA turns that switch’s LED status light on and off just fine, but it doesn’t switch the load the switch controls. Controlling the switch status and indicator LEDs is an Insteon feature so that in and of itself isn’t so odd. But failing to actually turn the load on/off is, obviously, a problem.

Given that this is a brand new ‘stock’ install using the latest image. And given that a fair number of folks do seem to be using HA to control Insteon devices - I am wondering if I have mis-configured something.

Any help or ideas are welcome.

My bad!, user error. Suffice to say it all seems to be working fine this morning.