Insteon Responders - Question re Uniqueness

Beginning migration from UD’s ISY to HA. I think I’m mostly squared away concerning the All Links DB records. BUT I do have one question regarding scene responders.

Context: During my migration I have two Insteon PLMs active - one for the ISY and one connected to HA. My plan is to migrate over in chunks (e.g., room by room).

Because of the above I might end up with a given scene/group# being used in both PLMs. I’m thinking this is OK because I think any given Responder device only reacts to a unique combination of Controller-ID AND Group#. Meaning that I could be a switch that ‘Responds’ to ‘Controller-A, Group-25.’ But there could be a Controller-B that also puts out a Group-25 as well. But if I don’t have Controller-B in my All Link Database then I won’t respond to Group-25 messages coming from it.

IF the above is true then I don’t have to concern myself with the possibility of conflicting group numbers between my two PLMs.

Can anybody confirm or deny my above assumption?

By doing some testing I have answered my own question. The answer is: A responder only responds when both the controller ID and the group # are a match to what is in the responder’s All Link Database record.

Example: Button-1 is controller for group-20. Button-2 is also a controller for group-20. Appliance module C’s ALdb has a responder record for ‘button-1, group-20.’ Dimmer module D’s ALdb has a responder record for ‘button-2, group-20.’ Push Button-1 and only appliance module-C reacts. Push button-2 and only dimmer module-D reacts.

So it seems that you can, in a sense ‘overlap’ scene group numbers.

So scenes controlled by the ISY’s PLM will not interfere with scenes defined within HA and saved to the PLM connected to my Home Assistant instance (on Raspberry Pi).