Insteon USB PLM with Home Assistant OS

first attempt returned nothing after a few hours

running again this time in yaml mode as per screen shot

still nothing, no output from the service call and no new devices found? will try again but any direction is much appreciated.

I’m having the same type of problems. USB insteon stick here… I just can’t get links to load, this has got to be the hardest most frustrating thing I’ve tried with home assistant yet. I spent the whole weekend without much progress. I’d really like to get off homeseer, but this is a deal breaker.

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Same exact issue here, except I have an Insteon Hub … I click call service, walk away for hours at a time and nothing happens or shows up anywhere

what hardware device are you using to try to link with insteon devices from HA ?

See this topic

Raspberry Pi4

What insteon hardware device?

Insteon Hub is what I’m trying to access … there’s a bunch of devices linked to that, pretty much any lighting hardware you can think of

I tried that and it sort of worked for a bit but no reliable. It works using HTTP post/get calls from HA to the local hub address.

I acquired an Insteon PLM that connects to HA via USB and then plugs into the wall. It works very well

I paid $35 for mine last May, now they are going for more than $200

[Insteon SmartHome PowerLinc USB (Dual-Band) Modem #2413U | Model: 2413U]

Good to know. I’m looking for solutions for the Insteon Hub though

Hi Gokuro
I was wondering how you got the PLM installed ? Do you mind sharing ?

My PLM is connected via USB, I am running hass OS and it detected it and added to home assistant automatically.

I then started adding insteon devices one at time by putting the modem into link mode

by running this service command from the developer tools section in HA

service: insteon.add_all_link
  mode: controller
  group: 0

do you find the 2413U works well with HA? So far I can’t get it to control all the devices it used to when connected to different software, and it doesn’t seem to receive updates when devices are manually turned on and off. So far I’ve found the hub works better, which is not at all what I expected. I’m trying to figure out this it’s working the same of others, or if I need to wipe things out and try again.l

I have had great luck with the 2413U. In general it has done a great job of auto discovery as I cycle the Insteon Device. In general i find it was easier then z-wave

The only devices I could not get to work with the usb plm were the motion sensors, Gen 1 and gen 2

I have 20 + other devices made up of switches, outlets, 6 button, 8 button, mini switches, outdoor outlets, etc

Have you cycled these devices?? I am redoing my Virtual Machine. and I will watch how the insteon reacts

Although I can see all my devices that used to talk to my 2413U in the All Linking Database, I don’t seem to be able to control the devices. I manually added one as a controller and receiver, which worked. But I’ve tried it with others and it doesn’t help.

It doesn’t make any sense I would have to re-add them to the PLM, but I can’t think of any other way to add this.

Has anyone else had trouble migrating a PLM to HA?

What do you mean you can “see”. I have found the home assistant integration does a pretty good job of auto discovery and those devices (one I figure out which they are) are controllable. even my ancient and cranky thermostat adapter. I have found the insteon integration far superior to z-wave and the many dead devices it creates

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