Integração HoyMiles no Home assistant

I created a step-by-step guide on how to integrate DTU Homilies into Home Assistant. I hope it helps.

Solar Data DTU W100 Ger2 And other DTU

Here’s the step by step.

1 Configure your MQTT if it is not configured or install it if it is not mine was like this
In the bottom corner Add-ons Store

Install and let’s go to adjustments. Click on the 3 dots in the upper corner Edit with yaml `

- username: Vinicius #Create Your username of choice
password: 12345 # Create a password
require_certificate: false
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
active: false
folder: mosquitto

Save this because we will need it.
In the graphical interface it must be like this: the ports used by MQTT must be released in the Firewall and I released them in the Router as UTP TCP. I released input and output 1883, 1884, 8883, 8884 so that MQTT can talk to the programs.
Save and start MQTT.

1 install Hoymiles DTU Solar: Home Assistant Add-on there are two one stable and one not stable

I installed both of them.

Installing the Hoymiles DTU Solar: Home Assistant Add-on

Follow the step-by-step instructions in the documentation on how to install or use the Android app Fing. After installing, go to settings >
Log in to your DTU W100 and get the IP address it is operating on >

Now set a password, as the default is admin - admin
Suppose the password is admin password 123456

To know the default port, do not change 10081

Hoymiles DTU Solar: Home Assistant Add-on adjustment
Settings.yaml in the 3 points above

host: 192.168.100.? #IP of your DTU W100
port: 10081 # Port always released is port 10081
username: admin #User who placed it in the DTU
password: 123456 #User who placed it in the DTU
app: {}
app_mode_active: {}
app_mode_passive: {}
broker: 192.168.100.? # MQTT IP is the same as your home assistant
port: 1883
username: Vinicius # Name you chose in MQTT
password: 12345 # Password you chose in your MQTT

MQTT IP is the same as your HA uses EX> http://< Your IP> l:8123/

Repeat the steps installing the same add-ons because one version is stable and the other is not and I don’t know which one is working because the programmers stopped and the other continued. There will be no conflict, it will be just another piece of junk that doesn’t work in your HA. But one works and the other doesn’t. >
Repeat the steps above in settings and just copy and paste the configurations.yml

Now let’s go to the second program
I installed both of them too because it’s the same thing with the first one, one is stable and the other doesn’t work. >

Go to settings >>>
3 dots top how to edit settings.yml

HOYMILES_USER: Viniciusmbs # User you use to log in to your plant
HOYMILES_PASSWORD: 12345 # User you use to log in to your plant
HOYMILES_PLANT_ID: "67??" # Final ID of your plant
Read_meter_data: true
External_MQTT_Server: true
MQTT_Host: 192.168.100.??? # IP of your MQTT is the same as Home Assistant
MQTT_User: vinicius # user created for your MQTT
MQTT_Pass: 123456 # password created for your MQTT
MQTT_TLS: false
LOG_TO_FILE: false
FILE_PATH: hoymiles.log

Your plant number and password are in S-Miles Cloud - Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc.
The plant number is in
S-Miles Cloud - Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc.??? << Plant number

HOYMILES_USER: Viniciusmbs # User you use to log in. in your plant
HOYMILES_PASSWORD: 12345 # Username used to log in to your plant
HOYMILES_PLANT_ID: "67??" # Final ID of your plant

Save and start the add-on
Do the same steps with the same add-on as the first one, copy and paste the configurations.yaml from the first one, but in this documentation

To access the data
Go to http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/integrations/integration/mqtt


The sensors will be there and just make your card I used this card

If you did everything right and just copy this card of mine, this will appear E

Please post in English.