Integrate Bluetooth battery monitoring devices (cars, motorbikes etc.)

Yes I’m getting voltage out. I wish I could remember what part of my troubleshooting madness finally worked, but I got it working then moved on. I’m pretty sure Something on this page helped:

What would you like to improve ?

If I get a vote here, I vote for including battery voltages from a BM2. Got time to help make that work?

I will look at your data, I an busy this week but will analyse it after.

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Sorry. Wasn’t a stab at the solution. I should have clarified. I’m not having much luck getting all my BM2 devices to check in routinely but suspect it is due to bluetooth range/connectivity issues. Thanks for all the work!

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BM2/range is a topic for sure, I need to check if a bridge with an external antenna helps.

There’s also the BVM02 which works well, very easy to decode, no encryption.

  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: bvm02_battery_meter
    type: characteristic
    name: BVM02 Voltage
    service_uuid: 'fff0'
    characteristic_uuid: 'fff2'
    unit_of_measurement: 'V'
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: voltage
    notify: true
    update_interval: 10s
    lambda: |-
      return (x[1] | (x[0] << 8)) / 100.0f;

Were you able to just create a sensor and pull the data into homeassistant through the BLE integration for the BVM02 device you posted?

Can someone help me?
I’m using OMG, but it says Volt is Unknown.

But in MQTT I can see this

  "id": "76:C4:0D:97:B1:1F",
  "mac_type": 1,
  "adv_type": 0,
  "manufacturerdata": "4c000c0e005a31fa1164cd5ba9a955b2c73310054f1c745379",
  "rssi": -52,
  "rssi": -53,
  "brand": "GENERIC",
  "model": "iBeacon",
  "model_id": "IBEACON",
  "type": "BCON",
  "mfid": "4c00",
  "uuid": "005a31fa1164cd5ba9a955b2c7331005",
  "major": 20252,
  "minor": 29779,
  "volt": 12.1

Under homeassistant/binary_sensor topic I have this

  "stat_t": "home/OMG_ESP32_BLE/LWT",
  "avty_t": "home/OMG_ESP32_BLE/LWT",
  "name": "SYS: Connectivity",
  "uniq_id": "58BF25826F50-connectivity",
  "pl_on": "online",
  "pl_off": "offline",
  "pl_avail": "online",
  "pl_not_avail": "offline",
  "device": {
    "ids": [
    "name": "OMG_ESP32_BLE",
    "mdl": "[\"WebUI\",\"BT\"]",
    "mf": "OMG_community",
    "cu": "",
    "sw": "v1.7.0"

How far is the ESP32 from the BM2 ?

maybe 15cm @1technophile

Edit: I finally got it to work, used another ESP32 board.

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