Integrate Busch-Jaeger Busch-Welcome System?

Here I have a Busch-Welcome system, with Busch Welcome Audio doorbell and three Audio Indoor stations, a Systemzentrale Mini and a connection to the door opener. As I have plenty of other systems in place that are connected through Ethernet/Wifi, the integration of the functionality of the normal “Innenstation Audio” would be absolutely enough for me, i.e.

  • alert when the doorbell rings
  • be able to open the door
  • ideally be able to talk to somebody

Is there any DIY way to do so? This may include buying an additional Innenstation Audio and ripping it apart if required.

I cannot try it but maybe this could help you

I don’t know if the freestone works with the audio components as well

Thanks for the hint - it seems like this requires a gateway that costs more than a new hardware and wiring installation. Also I learned that even if they normally use KNX for smart home, they use a different protocol for door opening that is called Türkommunikationssystem-Bus (TKS) that of course would also require a proprietary gateway that is not only expensive but also suffers from significant issues. So presumably I will buy an indoor communication station that is way cheaper and just rip it apart and connect to it.

I have integrated Welcome Doorbell. So you can use for automations and also open the door, but not to see the cam or talk.

How did you integrated the Doorbell? So far everything I found needed a free@Home device :frowning: