Integrate DSEWebnet websocket as sensors and control for my home diesel generator


I am a new to developing in Home Assistant, and I never done any custom integrations before.
I live in a remote area where constantly here I have energy shortages due a tree falling on the energy poles, and sometimes it takes very long to get fixed, so I brought a diesel generator, which came with a Deep Sea Electronics PLC connected to DSEWebNet Gateway(DSE890 MKII) , that is connected to the internet with the DSEWebnet.

I researched and found that there is no DSEWebNet integration for HASS, so as I am a programmer, I guess I should build one myself.

I was studying the web interface from DSEWebNet, and found out it uses websocket to read and write into the PLC of the generator.
I already can use insomnia to fully read and write what I want from the generator, its pretty simple as crafting a JSON with the codes I learn from messing around on the interface.

Basically I send a JSON requesting what information I would like to be streamed to me, and when I want to control the operation of the generator I send another JSON with the operation I want (Basically just Off, Auto, On). I could go into the details of how all this data can be crafted but I guess thats not the point.

My question would be: how do I create a custom integration that uses websocket, where at start it sends a json and starts updating sensors I define, and also to create controls which will send the corresponding json command for it to operate?

What would help a lot is another integrations that also use wss in a similar manner, or what steps should I take to get this working.
I haven’t started any coding besides scraping the webapi, so where do I start?

In HASS docs I only found websockets for interacting with the UI or with HASS, but that’s not what I want, I want an integration that uses websocket to fetch sensors and send controls.
I found this similar topic Web socket Sensor but there was no solution for it.

Thanks for looking into this. I also have a generator in Costa Rica with DSEwebNet and would be interested in following your progress.

I had some progress, I was able to send commands directly to DSEWebnet service, however I need to be online.

I used a Insomnia to read the socket that is used on DSEWebnet, and decoded what each thing do.

It should be possible to create an addon that does that .

Awesome. I haven’t been able to make any progress… Would be nice. I doubt the user population with DSEweb is very large, for a developer. But, maybe one day!

The DSE890 MKII is an Ethernet/4G gateway device that enables compatible DSE controllers to be monitored remotely via DSEWebNet® software or third-party MQTT brokers.

I have a generator with a DSE controller but don’t have the DSE890 MKII yet.
I wonder what could be done over MQTT.

Hi Ricardo, I’m developing a tool for a DSEWebnet alternative, I’ve sent a email about this integration, hope I could talk to you and share any knowledge

Any Luck yet? I have a need for this too

@3esmit Hi. I just discovered the same device on my generator. Did you end with some kind of solution ?



I have a DSE6020 MKII controller for my generator, and am contemplating to purchase the DSE891 Gateway so that I can integrate it into Home Assistant. Is there a working integration in HA for a DSE controller?

I found the DSE855 communication device to be far more affordable than the DSE891 gateway module, and it communicates via ModBus TCP and the registry list is readily available to developers. Is anyone able to create an add-on to HA to read/write these signals and push them to MQTT?