Integrate Ferraris Energy Sensor from EQ-3 AG?

Is it possible to integrate the Ferraris Energy Sensor from
EQ-3 AG for HomeMatic into Home Assistant?

It looks like it attaches to a homematic controller. Homematic has an intergration.

It does not look like it is a Homematic IP device.
It looks like it should be connected through an RJ-connector, which might be the BisCos protocol.
Make sure you have the hardware to connect it.

This is what google translate gives me under product description

The Ferraris power meter sensor is part of the HomeMatic energy meter detection system

If it’s already connected to a homeMatic system, they shouldn’t need to connect it to esphome.

The Homematic integration integrate with RaspberryMatic/Debmatic/CCU.
RaspberryMatic/Debmatic is virtual versions of a CCU and does not provide the same physical interface of a CCU, so if this device needs to be physically connected, then it is important to know how and with what.