Integrate knx & russound

hi all, this is my first post :slight_smile:
i was using lifedomus / Linknx / jeedom & now playing with HA, and seems wonderfull !

Russound (cam6.6) & knx work fine. Now i try to integrate them together. But i don’t find the method to.

i use zennio ZAS included in GAD 9/3/10 to switch on/off Zone1 of RUSSOUND.

- platform: russound_rnet
  port: 100
  name: Russound
      name: RDC.Cuisine

I tryied the code below in automation.yaml

  - type: 'DPT-1'
    entity_id: 'media_player.RDC.Cuisine'
    address: '9/3/10'

tks for your help !

Expose has to be a direct child of Knx. Binary values require type “binary” instead of “DPT-1”.

    - type: "binary"

Good luck!

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hello, tks for your help !
i realized my mistake after asking help :slight_smile:

but now, i have error message while checking conf

Invalid config for [knx]: Entity ID media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine.object_id is an invalid entity id for dictionary value @ data['knx']['expose'][2]['entity_id']. Got 'media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine.object_id'. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 82).

  - type: 'time'
    address: '4/6/11'
  - type: 'datetime'
    address: '4/6/10'
  - type: 'binary'
    entity_id: 'media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine'
    address: '9/3/10'

i also tryied using automation, but no result

- alias: "knx_to_Russound On"
    - platform: state
      to: "on"
      entity_id: switch.RUS_Z1_Cuisine_ON_Off
    service: media_player.turn_on
      entity_id: media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine
- alias: "knx_to_Russound Off"
    - platform: state
      to: "off"
      entity_id: switch.RUS_Z1_Cuisine_ON_Off
    service: media_player.turn_off
      entity_id: media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine

Looks like ‘media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine’ is not an entity_id. Have a look at Developer-Tools - States to find the correct entity_id and what it’s state is (if it’s not “on” or “off” it’s probably not binary)

Maybe you can work out something with upcoming (0.110) expose attribute function.
Or you go the old route of creating a template sensor.

Edit: Anyway expose is used for sending HA states to Knx. It seems like you want to trigger a HA state from Knx, are you?

as i am really newbie, it is quite complicated to understand how to.
My need is exactly to send On or Off to a zone of russound media player.
but if i switch off this zone from russound, of course, the status has to be sent to knx : i understand that this is using expose :slight_smile:

1/ media player sends status to knx using Expose :
using dev tools, it seems “media_player.russound_rdc_cuisine” is correct

using knx / expose

  - type: 'binary'
    entity_id: 'media_player.russound.rcd.cuisine'
    address: '9/3/10'

i get issue by checking

Invalid config for [knx]: Entity ID media_player.russound.rcd.cuisine is an invalid entity id for dictionary value @ data[‘knx’][‘expose’][2][‘entity_id’]. Got ‘media_player.russound.rcd.cuisine’. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 82).

2/ Russound gets status from knx
what is the solution here ? Using automation ??

- alias: "knx_to_Russound Off"
    - platform: state
      to: "on"
      entity_id: switch.RUS_Z1_Cuisine_ON_Off
    service: media_player.turn_off
      entity_id: media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine
- alias: "knx_to_Russound On"
    - platform: state
      to: "off"
      entity_id: switch.RUS_Z1_Cuisine_ON_Off
    service: media_player.turn_on
      entity_id: media_player.Russound.RDC.Cuisine

EDIT : This entity does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI.

tks again.


may be the problem.

Also a Knx Switch object could be used. Search for connecting Hue and Knx. It is the same problem but with much more search results.

yes, i understand that the problem seems to be “media_player.russound.rcd.cuisine”.
i am really blocked and have no idea of why media is not usable here.

going to continue searching & trying to understand

many tks

EDIT : i understood the mistake after re re reading : rdc vs rcd, but same issue

I meant “_” vs “.” but you are right with rdc and rcd too :rofl:

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So have you tried to replace the dots with underscores? In the linked Thread you seem to have the same problem.

To my understanding “Media_player” is the Domain, the entity is separated with a dot and then no more dots. So “media_player.russound_rdc_cuisine” would be a correct entity id (whereas “media_player.russound.rcd.cuisine” Is not).

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hello, works fine now ! my fault was as you said mixing “.” “_” & uppercases ! tks for your help.