Integrate Nooie Cam 360

Hi guys. Anybody have an idea of how to add Nooie Cam 360 to HA? Is it possible?


I also need this…! If anyone has tried?


Super interested too.

I have 2 Nooie camera- Nooie Cam Outdoor and cam 360. Both don’t support rstp and no integration available for HA, i am super interested as well.

I have used the Tuya integration which also handles Smart Life products (such as Nooie) but doesn’t seem to handle the Nooie camera (yet).

I have Nooie Bulbs which works with Tuya app, but Nooie smart plugs dosen’t work :frowning: . and all cameras are also not working with Tuya app. Nooie have good quality products and cheap as well, integration with HA will be awesome :slight_smile:

Also interested in cameras integration. All of my plugs do work with Tuya therefore also with HA.

Is Nooie Smart Plugs work with HA?

I’ve tried capturing the HTTP-requests from the Nooie app through a proxy to reverse engineer their API but it seems the app checks for a specific ssl certificate to prevent this.
Is someone here able to circumvent this? (aka decompiling app and editing code)

Any Progress?

I have found a RTSP Vulnerability on the following site which details how someone could inevitably get the RTSP stream via pinging the Nooie Servers. This exploit could be patched

I’m looking for a solution to this as well. Thanks!


Does anyone know if these smart plugs work in Home assistant?
Nooie Smart Plug - Slimme Stekkers - Set van 4 - Met energiemeter & Tijdschakelaar -… |

Hi, I’m sure this is still not available, but still hoping there’s an update to the Nooie Cams being integrated? I’ve tried both the Camera and Generic Cam integrations but neither get past the RTSP input set up.

Would love to see a solution to this as well!

+1 (and adding 10 chars) … ah got it now…tracking :wink: looking for power plugs for nooie too.

My nooie power plugs work with Tuya app. Using model PE10 Euro versions