Integrate watermeter into new energy module


I managed to get my IUNGO watermeter working using MQTT and created a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly water consumption entity as well as a flow sensor measuring the liters per minute. All is working nicely but how can I integrate these into the energy dashboard?

I don’t think water will be considered as any energy

Indeed they talked about it in last release video

Really ? Very interesting
This would allow and have electricity, gas and water .
Did they say as well that we will have gas m3 changed to kWh so to have a real sum of energy ?
This is for me far more interesting than introduction of water in the energy menu
Cheers from France

Water is not an Energy, so it will not come to the Energy dashboard, but ofcourse you can create your own “dashboard”,

And they talked about the gas in kWh, But thats the difference between countries, in The netherlands is Gas in M3, and not in kWh, and not every gas mix does have the same power in kWh.

I understand that they are charging differences between countries for gas
Nevertheless, m3 is not energy and so should not appear as such in the same chart than electricity.
If they keep the title energy, ( that should be definitively the right choice), they have to provide a mean to enter a translation factor between m3 and kWh upon user choice .
Here in France, we are charged by €/kWh. So I already have to find this factor to enter the actual €/m3


I have a watermeter sensor elster pr6 v2 pulse.
How did u at it at homeassistant?

I have only litres per minute and total pulse.
Bit total pulse is not correct because sensor was new and watermwter old so not correct use