**Describe The Bug:**
Hi Joeyhage,
since on of your last updates issue #68… (Danfoss Link Thermostat is recognized as a temperature Sensor) is solved. Thank you.
Now the Danfoss Link thermostats appear in HomeKit, but the error message "No Response" appears.
In the log you will find two errors (see below):
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get power - InvalidResponse(State not available) and
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get target state - InvalidResponse(State not available)
One reason could be, that the mode of the thermostat is always set on "Customised" in the Alexa App (see screenshot below) and not changeable.
Even in the Danfoss app you cannot change the mode. The system over all has two modes: a) There is the normal mode in which you can edit the target temperatures of all rooms and b) there is the "paused" mode in which all the target temperatures are set to 6° C. In this mode you cannot change the target temperatures.
No matter which mode is set, the Danfoss Link system heats automatically when the target temperature is higher than the current room temperature.
**To Reproduce:**
The bug appears always.
**Expected behavior:**
Set or change the target temperature via the thermostats in HomeKit at least in normal mode.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:34] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[29/09/2024, 10:26:34] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I -P /var/lib/homebridge/node_modules --strict-plugin-resolution
[29/09/2024, 10:26:34] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.8.4 with PID: 11525
[29/09/2024, 10:26:36] Loaded config.json with 5 accessories and 7 platforms.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:36] Loaded 13 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:36] ---
[29/09/2024, 10:26:36] Loaded plugin: [email protected]
[29/09/2024, 10:26:36] Registering platform 'homebridge-alexa-smarthome.HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome'
[29/09/2024, 10:26:36] ---
[29/09/2024, 10:26:39] ---
[29/09/2024, 10:26:39] Loading 7 platforms...
[29/09/2024, 10:26:41] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Initializing
HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome platform...
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Loading accessory from cache: OG Bad
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa-Remote: cookie was provided
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa-Remote: Authentication checked: true
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa-Remote: Change Base URL for API calls to eu-api-alexa.amazon.de
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Successfully authenticated Alexa account.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] Initializing platform accessory 'Walküre (Wohnzimmer) Wohnzimmer'...
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] Initializing platform accessory 'Walküre (Wohnzimmer) Hobbyraum'...
[29/09/2024, 10:26:42] Initializing platform accessory 'Walküre (Wohnzimmer) Außen'...
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa App on Mobile ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's 7th iOS Device ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Arbeit ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 20.5,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 16,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's iOS Device ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's 5th iOS Device ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's 2nd Amazon Alexa on iOS ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] EG Wohnen ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 23.9,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 23.5,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's 2nd iOS Device ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's 6th iOS Device ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad HK ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 22.4,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 16,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 23.6,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 23.5,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa App on Mobile ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's Amazon Alexa on iOS ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] EG Flur ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 21.6,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 21,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa App on Mobile ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] EG WC ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 20.1,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 16,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] EG HWR ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 21.4,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 16,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] UG Bad ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 18.2,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 11,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Schlafen ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 20.7,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 16,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Kind ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 21.2,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 16,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Alexa App on Mobile ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Patrick's 3rd iOS Device ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] UG Gast ::: Raw device features: [
"name": "temperatureSensor",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 18.5,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "connectivity",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": [
"name": "reachability"
"configuration": null
"name": "thermostat",
"instance": null,
"operations": [
"name": "setTargetSetpoint"
"name": "adjustTargetSetpoint"
"name": "setThermostatMode"
"properties": [
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 11,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"configuration": null
"name": "endpointHealth",
"instance": null,
"operations": null,
"properties": null,
"configuration": null
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Successfully obtained devices and their capabilities
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Found 23 devices connected to the current Alexa account.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] BEGIN devices connected to Alexa account
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"id": "a3a159ea-8a7f-4ddb-8c27-984ab5331cc4",
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"serialNumber": "34dc9601be06ce8cea5e4722fa3b496b",
"model": "Alexa Mobile for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.c07b3435-9622-4db4-a302-4975865b7185",
"id": "c07b3435-9622-4db4-a302-4975865b7185",
"displayName": "Patrick's 7th iOS Device",
"supportedOperations": [],
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "85EF5786C68A4B36BCCD3EBF67825668",
"model": "Amazon Shopping App for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.0a449277-44fa-41de-a4d0-25bc4eb1054b",
"id": "0a449277-44fa-41de-a4d0-25bc4eb1054b",
"displayName": "OG Arbeit",
"supportedOperations": [
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"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
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"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.a1267217-d070-41cd-8771-cbc9ffdeeb64",
"id": "a1267217-d070-41cd-8771-cbc9ffdeeb64",
"displayName": "Patrick's iOS Device",
"supportedOperations": [],
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "A19B5CB005FE481FA3674AA8C098FEC8",
"model": "Amazon Shopping App for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.7d0fb9fd-aefb-4ec7-9ba3-9f783b1e6dd7",
"id": "7d0fb9fd-aefb-4ec7-9ba3-9f783b1e6dd7",
"displayName": "Patrick's 5th iOS Device",
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"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "B66FD1552EB14CBBAF040B28756D8D4C",
"model": "Amazon Shopping App for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.550749d4-0906-42cb-8371-4485a56f9221",
"id": "550749d4-0906-42cb-8371-4485a56f9221",
"displayName": "Patrick's 2nd Amazon Alexa on iOS",
"supportedOperations": [],
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "EAE71F2863244810BFE3E6C19D89AFFB",
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"id": "978d7b64-4629-4b8a-aa16-33044633383a",
"displayName": "EG Wohnen",
"supportedOperations": [
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.79efb40b-0a25-42a1-850f-7e30f890807c",
"id": "79efb40b-0a25-42a1-850f-7e30f890807c",
"displayName": "Patrick's 2nd iOS Device",
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"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "14FA854258644613B7F31887BA17D0D4",
"model": "Amazon Shopping App for iOS",
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"id": "a35caad9-3d77-4ce5-9237-c10f3e9742c5",
"displayName": "Patrick's 6th iOS Device",
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"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
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"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.876f0e02-b1ce-4af6-aa23-1463d11fdc2b",
"id": "876f0e02-b1ce-4af6-aa23-1463d11fdc2b",
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"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.ad1263af-bace-49a9-85ae-ce2eadfd1c64",
"id": "ad1263af-bace-49a9-85ae-ce2eadfd1c64",
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"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
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"id": "4a5e478d-8c09-42b7-b057-b959b17e7fcc",
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"model": "Alexa Mobile for iOS",
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"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.075ab35d-6ac1-456d-804f-3e99192dc6fc",
"id": "075ab35d-6ac1-456d-804f-3e99192dc6fc",
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"id": "4d9ffa0b-0ea1-4aeb-83dd-ef47ecb36784",
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"supportedOperations": [
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"id": "f4cb5fbe-ab91-4eb9-a080-1965ddfb4e44",
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"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "E756F5B19C1640D294354CDFEF6CCE3B",
"model": "Alexa Mobile for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.92297dc7-99a9-4419-98b3-0c2232147a86",
"id": "92297dc7-99a9-4419-98b3-0c2232147a86",
"displayName": "EG WC",
"supportedOperations": [
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"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.07a45ff7-1faa-4a34-b921-12fe01fce259",
"id": "07a45ff7-1faa-4a34-b921-12fe01fce259",
"displayName": "EG HWR",
"supportedOperations": [
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"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.fd9e026e-65a1-4ff9-a66b-31b53ab6d2d5",
"id": "fd9e026e-65a1-4ff9-a66b-31b53ab6d2d5",
"displayName": "UG Bad",
"supportedOperations": [
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"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.5c4aa225-ec0b-4d4f-9829-1221c57286d4",
"id": "5c4aa225-ec0b-4d4f-9829-1221c57286d4",
"displayName": "OG Schlafen",
"supportedOperations": [
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.16b4fe00-6898-44d7-8ddb-35aa55534369",
"id": "16b4fe00-6898-44d7-8ddb-35aa55534369",
"displayName": "OG Kind",
"supportedOperations": [
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.ad44d8ad-492b-4a84-9684-cd3cf4d62e86",
"id": "ad44d8ad-492b-4a84-9684-cd3cf4d62e86",
"displayName": "Alexa App on Mobile",
"supportedOperations": [],
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "b3fdf1434d9d760c8ceed89306448f64",
"model": "Alexa Mobile for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.5738d5e2-6416-43df-b23b-d941defb070f",
"id": "5738d5e2-6416-43df-b23b-d941defb070f",
"displayName": "Patrick's 3rd iOS Device",
"supportedOperations": [],
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "ALEXA_VOICE_ENABLED",
"serialNumber": "5084012979E441018047C5F07DD9C9E6",
"model": "Amazon Shopping App for iOS",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.ed8f9268-953b-41f9-a97b-24af90143381",
"id": "ed8f9268-953b-41f9-a97b-24af90143381",
"displayName": "UG Gast",
"supportedOperations": [
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
END devices connected to Alexa account
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Discovered 1 devices.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad ::: Attempting to add accessory(s) for device: {
"endpointId": "amzn1.alexa.endpoint.ad1263af-bace-49a9-85ae-ce2eadfd1c64",
"id": "ad1263af-bace-49a9-85ae-ce2eadfd1c64",
"displayName": "OG Bad",
"supportedOperations": [
"enabled": true,
"deviceType": "THERMOSTAT",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"model": "Unknown",
"manufacturer": "homebridge-alexa-smarthome"
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad ::: Current state: [
"featureName": "temperatureSensor",
"name": "temperature",
"value": {
"value": 23.6,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
"featureName": "thermostat",
"name": "targetSetpoint",
"value": {
"value": 23.5,
"scale": "CELSIUS"
[29/09/2024, 10:26:43] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Restored existing accessory from cache: OG Bad
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
[29/09/2024, 10:26:47] Homebridge v1.8.4 (HAP v0.12.2) (Homebridge A981) is running on port 51933.
[29/09/2024, 10:26:47]
> Homebridge 2.0 is on the way and brings some breaking changes to existing plugins.
> Please visit the following link to learn more about the changes and how to prepare:
> https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/wiki/Updating-To-Homebridge-v2.0
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Querying for changes to OG Bad using query getThermostatStates
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Querying for changes to OG Bad using query getThermostatStates
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get power - InvalidResponse(State not available)
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Service communication error
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Skipping power-related logic for unsupported devices
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Querying for changes to OG Bad using query getThermostatStates
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get current temperature result: 23.6
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Querying for changes to OG Bad using query getThermostatStates
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get target temperature result: 23.5 Celsius
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] Obtained device state from cache
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get target state - InvalidResponse(State not available)
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Service communication error
[29/09/2024, 10:26:48] [HomebridgeAlexaSmartHome] OG Bad - Get temperature units result: CELSIUS
**Plugin Config:**
Show your Homebridge config.json here, remove any sensitive information.

- **Plugin Version**: v2.2.1
- **Homebridge Version**: v1.8.4
- **Node.js Version**: v20.10.0
- **NPM Version**: dont know
- **Operating System**: Raspbian