Integrating Eufy Video Doorbell (E330) with Home Assistant

Hi. I am pretty new to Home Assistant. I followed the steps mentioned here to add Eufy cameras and sensors to the home assistant. I can see them in the devices with all the sensors. However, I can not get the video to work on the doorbell. I created a custom card. Below is my code.

type: custom:webrtc-camera
entity: camera.doorbell
poster: image.front_door_event_image
ui: true
  - name: Play
    icon: mdi:play
    service: camera.turn_on
      entity_id: camera.front_door
  - name: Stop
    icon: mdi:stop
    service: camera.turn_off
      entity_id: camera.front_door

I am getting an error. Error below:
Failed to perform the action camera/turn_on. {‘type’: ‘result’, ‘success’: False, ‘messageId’: ‘device.start_livestream.ed99910f474d4f80aaeea6ceb3cf0fb0’, ‘errorCode’: ‘device_livestream_already_running’}

Appreciate any help. Thank you.

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I get the same error sometimes. Under Integration, reloading Eufy Security + WebRTC Camera helps resolve this.

Were you ever able to resolve it?