Integrating LoRaWAN sensors into Home Assistant

Integrating LoRaWAN sensors into Home Assistant

I’m intrigued by Smart Home technologies. I’ve been using Home Assistant to both automate my home and as a testbed for new sensor integrations. There’s no off-the-shelf integration yet for LoRa so I patched together some components to test out LoraWAN over distances farther than my Wifi can reach.

Although LoRa touts up to 10-mile range I wanted to see what was really achievable with off-the-shelf hardware in my neighborhood. There are a few LoRa demonstration projects using two LoRa modules but I wanted to be able to deploy multiple LoRa nodes. LoRaWAN is well-suited, its MAC-layer network protocol providing bi-directional communication, over-the-air provisioning and encryption. However with that comes the complexity of LoRaWAN gateways and a network server.

I bought a Dragino LPS8 LoRaWAN gateway off of Ebay for $80. I chose this gateway because its firmware is OpenSource and the gateway itself is relatively cheap.

For the network server I could have used The Things Network (TTN), but I wanted a non-cloud, OpenSource solution so I went with ChirpStack. I already have a Linux server that hosts Home Assistant, zwavejs2mqtt and zigbee2mqtt as Docker containers and a Mosquitto MQTT server so adding ChirpStack was straightforward.

LoRa module

For the sensors I chose Heltec ESP32 LoRa V3 clones from Hiletgo. I installed the Arduino 15 IDE development environment but mostly used the arduino-cli once the support libraries were installed. I had some difficulty in getting the correct libraries installed from the Heltec instructions, probably because I had installed older versions of the libraries using git pull. The instructions at Heltec ESP32+LoRa Series Quick Start — esp32 latest documentation were the ones I finally used. After following the instructions you should be able to select the Heltec LoRa 32 V3 board.

You should also be able to see the LoRaWAN example under the Examples…Heltec-Example menu. If not, you probably won’t have the necessary LoRaWan102 library installed in the Arduino hardware/heltec directory. The LoRaWan_OLED example is the one I started with to test the gateway and network server.

For configuration, I used “Generate by ChipID” for LORAWAN_DEVEUI and “REGION_US915” for LoRaWan Region. You’ll need to select an appropriate frequency plan for your location. TTN has a good write-up here.

In the sketch, you will want to set overTheAirActivation to true. In some frequency plans, you’ll also need to set the userChannelsMask to something other than the default. In the US915 plan, there are 8 possible channel plans of which I chose US915_1. So for me

/*LoraWan channelsmask*/
/* using channels 8-15 */
uint16_t userChannelsMask[6]={ 0xFF00,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 };

Once compiled and uploaded to the LoRa 32 module, the console will show something similar to this on boot:

Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
SHA-256 comparison failed:
Calculated: dcde8d8a4817d9bf5d5d69a7247667264e4e10ac7493514868b61f5aa6146539
Expected: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Attempting to boot anyway...
entry 0x403c98d8

LoRaWAN US915 Class A start!

+DevEui=CE7554DC00002461(For OTAA Mode)
+AppEui=0000000000000000(For OTAA Mode)
+AppKey=88888888888888888888888888886601(For OTAA Mode)
+NwkSKey=15B1D0EFA463DFBE3D11181E1EC7DA85(For ABP Mode)
+AppSKey=D72C78758CDCCABF55EE4A778D16EF67(For ABP Mode)
+DevAddr=007E6AE1(For ABP Mode)


LoRaWAN gateway, Dragino LPS8

The Dragino LPS8 User Manual does a good job describing the installation and setup. I also offloaded the ChirpStack MQTT Packet Forwarder from the network server to the Dragino. That would in theory allow me to eliminate the network server and handle the gateway MQTT messages directly. However, I
tested with the network server.

Installing the ChirpStack MQTT forwarder

It’s certainly possible to skip this step and just configure the gateway to send Semtech UDP packets to the server. In that case, the ChirpStack configuration will need to include the chirpstack-gateway-bridge.

During the forwarder installation on the Dragino, it’s necessary to ssh into the gateway and configure the forwarder by editing /etc/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder.toml. This connects the Semtech-UDP-formatted messages to the Mosquitto MQTT broker on the server host. Mine looks like this:

# For a complete configuration example and documentation, please refer to:
# h





The topic_prefix must match at least one of the configured regions in the ChirpStack server. See below for more information about that.

Once configured, I found the Dragino wouldn’t connect to the MQTT broker, showing log warnings about a DNS rebind attempt. The problem and solution are discussed here: DNS not resolving local addresses - Installing and Using OpenWrt - OpenWrt Forum. I used the following commands during an SSH session to fix this:

root@dragino-1ef56c:/tmp# uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].rebind_protection='0'
root@dragino-1ef56c:/tmp# uci commit dhcp
root@dragino-1ef56c:/tmp# /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload

After accessing the Dragino gateway webpage, I configured the LoRaWAN to Semtech UDP mode with the following parameters:

The frequency plan is configured on the LoRa menu. Since I was using US915_1, mine looked like this:

My Dragino is located in the attic and uses the supplied antenna.

ChirpStack network server

The ChirpStack repository on Github describes the ChirpStack installation using Docker Compose. Once the repository is cloned to the server host, the docker-compose.yml needs to be edited. Since I was using an existing MQTT broker and had moved the packet forwarder to the Dragino, my docker-compose.yml looks like this:

version: "3"

    image: chirpstack/chirpstack:4
    command: -c /etc/chirpstack
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./configuration/chirpstack:/etc/chirpstack
      - ./lorawan-devices:/opt/lorawan-devices
      - postgres
      - redis
      - MQTT_BROKER_HOST=   # the docker network gateway
      - REDIS_HOST=redis
      - POSTGRESQL_HOST=postgres
      - 8080:8080

    image: chirpstack/chirpstack-rest-api:4
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: --server chirpstack:8080 --bind --insecure
      - 8090:8090
      - chirpstack

    image: postgres:14-alpine
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./configuration/postgresql/initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
      - postgresqldata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=******

    image: redis:7-alpine
    restart: unless-stopped
      - redisdata:/data


In the configuration/chirpstack/chirpstack.toml file, I enabled the region I was using as defined by the id in configuration/chirpstack/region_us915_1.toml. The topic_prefix in the region_*.toml file must match the topic configured in the MQTT forwarder configuration, whether in this stack or on the Dragino, here US915_1.

  # Enabled regions.
  # Multiple regions can be enabled simultaneously. Each region must match
  # the 'name' parameter of the region configuration in '[[regions]]'.

I suggest you import and build the lorawan-devices repository. You’ll be able to select the Heltec Lora 32 device during device configuration.

When the containers are up and running using docker-compose up you can login to the ChirpStack server at your-network-host:8080.

If your configurations are correct, your gateway should show in the Tenant…Gateways dialog along with the configured region. If not, I would use MQTT Explorer or subscribe to [topic_prefix]/# to see if MQTT messages from the gateway are getting published.

Defining a device

Before defining a device in ChirpStack, you must create a Device Profile. This allows you to select a device-profile template from the lorawan-devices repository, here the HelTec WiFi LoRa 32 (V2) Class A OTAA) and US915 region.

To enable a LoRa device connection, you’ll need to create an application. Clicking on the application brings up a device configuration menu. Using Add Device and the Configuration dialog, enter the Device EUI from the device’s startup console output (+DevEui=) and select WiFi LoRa 32 (V2)(Class A OTAA) as the device profile. On the OTAA keys dialog, enter the device’s application key (+AppKey=).

With the device defined in ChirpStack, the LoRa 32 should complete its OTAA handshaking with the server via the gateway and begin transmitting test packets and receiving confirmations.

Device data

The server publishes a wealth of information about each received packet on the MQTT topic application/[ApplicationID]/device/[DeviceEUI]/event/up. For example,

  "deduplicationId": "0ccff706-ffdd-4da2-9141-5a35c3bc0996",
  "time": "2023-10-18T13:17:57.904450+00:00",
  "deviceInfo": {
    "tenantId": "52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242",
    "tenantName": "ChirpStack",
    "applicationId": "dcb1f7d7-9aa5-413c-a914-8c6f590c0447",
    "applicationName": "test",
    "deviceProfileId": "b34a9591-5cca-4ff7-8f04-592eba778f5d",
    "deviceProfileName": "WiFi LoRa 32 (V2)(Class A OTAA)",
    "deviceName": "second",
    "devEui": "ce7554dc00002461",
    "deviceClassEnabled": "CLASS_A",
    "tags": {}
  "devAddr": "0041c462",
  "adr": true,
  "dr": 3,
  "fCnt": 74,
  "fPort": 2,
  "confirmed": true,
  "data": "AAECAw==",
  "rxInfo": [
      "gatewayId": "a840411ef56c4150",
      "uplinkId": 2558570145,
      "time": "2023-10-18T13:17:57.904450+00:00",
      "rssi": -69,
      "snr": 10.2,
      "channel": 1,
      "location": {
        "latitude": 35.**********,
        "longitude": -78.*********
      "context": "Q+m4Ow==",
      "metadata": {
        "region_config_id": "us915_1",
        "region_common_name": "US915"
      "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
      "gatewayId": "a840411ef56c4150",
      "uplinkId": 3593569903,
      "time": "2023-10-18T13:17:57.905007+00:00",
      "rssi": -69,
      "snr": 10.2,
      "channel": 1,
      "location": {
        "latitude": 35.*********,
        "longitude": -78.*********
      "context": "Q+m4Ow==",
      "metadata": {
        "region_common_name": "US915",
        "region_config_id": "us915_1"
      "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
  "txInfo": {
    "frequency": 904100000,
    "modulation": {
      "lora": {
        "bandwidth": 125000,
        "spreadingFactor": 7,
        "codeRate": "CR_4_5"

The packet data are encoded as base64 in the “data” field, here “AAECAw==”. This is the appData array sent by the LoRaWan_OLED sketch.

Decoding device data

While I suppose it’s possible to write some type of base64 decoder in jinja2 for Home Assistant, I wanted to use the existing MQTT/JSON capabilities. ChirpStack currently provides three possible codec (coder/decoder) options: none (default), Cayenne LPP and JavaScript functions. Cayenne Low Power Payload (LPP) defines a protocol to encode sensor data types into binary format. There’s a very nice implementation for Arduino at GitHub - ElectronicCats/CayenneLPP: Library for Arduino compatible with Cayenne Low Power Payload. This library extends the original TTN Cayenne implementation to include additional sensor types.

To use the ElectronicCats codec, install the CayenneLPP by ElectronicCats and ArduinoJson libraries using the Arduino IDE. In the ChirpStack GUI, select Device Profiles and the WiFi LoRa 32 (V2)(Class A OTAA) profile. In the Codec dialog, Select JavaScript functions for the Payload codec. Cut the decoders/decoder.js script contents from the CayenneLPP source files and paste it into the Codec functions dialog box for the Codec. ChirpStack will now decode the binary data into any of the sensor types defined by the CayenneLPP implementation to JSON format.

For my testing, I attached a Ublox-7 GNSS module to the LoRa 32 to encode module position and calculate the distance to home. My prepareTxFrame in a modified LoRaWan_OLED sketch looks like:

static void prepareTxFrame( uint8_t port )

  CayenneLPP *lpp = new CayenneLPP( LORAWAN_APP_DATA_MAX_SIZE );

  lpp->addGPS( 1, lat, lon, alt/1000 );
  lpp->addDistance( 2, acc );
  lpp->addDistance( 3, dist * 1000 );
  lpp->addDigitalOutput( 4, ( digitalRead( LED_PIN ) == HIGH ? 1 : 0 ));

  appDataSize = lpp->copy( appData );

  delete lpp;

I encoded the GPS data, horizontal accuracy, distance to home and the state of the white LED (GPIO35) on the LoRa 32 module. ChirpStack decodes the payload data and publishes an additional object field:

  "data": "AYgFeoXz+HcAHLUCggAAhNADggAAXnoEAQA=",
  "object": {
    "digital_out_4": 0,
    "gps_1": {
      "latitude": 35.****,
      "altitude": 73.49,
      "longitude": -78.****
    "distance_2": 34,
    "distance_3": 24.186

In Home Assistant, I defined the MQTT sensor and device tracker:

    - name: "LoRa 1 Distance"
      state_topic: "application/dcb1f7d7-9aa5-413c-a914-8c6f590c0447/device/9ffa12f40000bcfa/event/up"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.object.distance_3  | round(0) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "m"
    - name: "LoRa 1"
      unique_id: "9ffa12f40000bcfa"
      json_attributes_topic: "application/dcb1f7d7-9aa5-413c-a914-8c6f590c0447/device/9ffa12f40000bcfa/event/up"
      json_attributes_template: "{ \"latitude\": {{ value_json.object.gps_1.latitude }}, \"longitude\": {{ value_json.object.gps_1.longitude }}, \"gps_accuracy\": {{ value_json.object.distance_2 }} }"

Encoding device data

How about sending data to the LoRa module? That proved a bit more difficult. The ChirpStack codec needs to define a function called encodeDownlink that converts JSON data into a byte array, just the opposite of the decodeUplink function. ElectronicCat’s library doesn’t provide an encoder. I couldn’t find a good example of an encoding function. And it wasn’t clear if the function’s input was a JSON-formatted string or an already converted JSON object.

The ChirpStack developers implemented the stack in Rust but embedded quickjs to handle the JavaScript codecs. From code inspection, I discovered that the encodeDownlink is supplied with a JsonObject of the data to be encoded. For quickjs, that can only be an object, not an array, so I had to add an additional object to the JSON data which defines the array.

// Encode downlink function.
// Input is an object with the following fields:
// - data = Object representing the payload that must be encoded.
// - variables = Object containing the configured device variables.
// Output must be an object with the following fields:
// - bytes = Byte array containing the downlink payload.
// our data looks like: {"array":[{"channel":4,"name":"digital_out","value":1}]}

function encodeDownlink(input) {

  var i = 0;
  var output = []; item ) => {

    switch ( ) {
      case "digital_out":
        item.type = 1;
        item.type = 255;

    output[i++] =;
    output[i++] = item.type;
    output[i++] = item.value;


  return {
    bytes: output

// test the ChirpStack decoder using quickjs interpreter
//const input = { "data": {"array":[{"channel":4,"name":"digital_out","value":1}]} };
//var result = encodeDownlink(input);
//print (JSON.stringify( result ));

Testing the encoder in ChirpStack can be a bit tedious. There was also an issue in ChirpStack V4 at the time of this writing that prevented updating the JavaScript in the codec so the device profile needed to be re-created each time. To test the encoder, I built and installed quickjs in Linux. It comes with a command-line interpreter. The encodeDownlink function can be tested using the interpreter by uncommenting the code at the end.

In the device’s sketch, I added the decoder:

void decodeDownlinkMsg( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t bufsize, uint8_t port )
    StaticJsonDocument<256> jsonBuffer;
    CayenneLPP lpp(0);

    JsonArray array =<JsonArray>();
    lpp.decode( buf, bufsize, array );

    for ( JsonObject item : array ) {
      int lpp_type = item["type"];
      switch ( lpp_type )
        case LPP_DIGITAL_OUTPUT:

          if ( item["channel"] == 4 )
            int setval = LOW;
            if ( item["value"] == 1 )
              setval = HIGH;
            gpio_hold_dis( (gpio_num_t )LED_PIN );
            digitalWrite( LED_PIN, setval );
            gpio_hold_en( (gpio_num_t )LED_PIN );


void downLinkDataHandle(McpsIndication_t *mcpsIndication)
	printf("+REV DATA:%s,RXSIZE %d,PORT %d\r\n",mcpsIndication->RxSlot?"RXWIN2":"RXWIN1",mcpsIndication->BufferSize,mcpsIndication->Port);
	printf("+REV DATA:");
	for(uint8_t i=0;i<mcpsIndication->BufferSize;i++)
  if ( mcpsIndication->RxData )
    decodeDownlinkMsg( mcpsIndication->Buffer, mcpsIndication->BufferSize, mcpsIndication->Port );

ChirpStack subscribes to application/[ApplicationID]/device/[DeviceEUI]/command/down topics to receive data destined for the devices. The topic payload is similar to this:

  "devEui": "9ffa12f40000bcfa",
  "confirmed": true,
  "fPort": 4,
  "object": {
    "array": [
        "channel": 4,
        "name": "digital_out",
        "value": 1

In Home Assistant, I defined an MQTT switch:

    - name: "LoRa 1 Switch"
      unique_id: "9ffa12f40000bcfa-5"
      command_topic: "application/dcb1f7d7-9aa5-413c-a914-8c6f590c0447/device/9ffa12f40000bcfa/command/down"
      state_topic: "application/dcb1f7d7-9aa5-413c-a914-8c6f590c0447/device/9ffa12f40000bcfa/event/up"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.object.digital_out_4 | int }}"
      payload_on: "{ \"devEui\": \"9ffa12f40000bcfa\", \"confirmed\": true, \"fPort\": 4, \"object\": { \"array\": [{\"channel\": 4, \"name\": \"digital_out\", \"value\": 1}] }}"
      payload_off: "{ \"devEui\": \"9ffa12f40000bcfa\", \"confirmed\": true, \"fPort\": 4, \"object\": { \"array\": [{\"channel\": 4, \"name\": \"digital_out\", \"value\": 0}] }}"
      state_on: 1
      state_off: 0

The command is not delivered to the device until its next wakeup.


I was able to get consistent data transfer within 200 meters of my house even with trees and other wooden structures obstructing the line of sight. Acknowledgments became more sporadic beyond 200 meters. The best I was able to achieve was about 1 km with a line of sight free of obstructions. Better antennas and an outdoor one at home would probably help. The LoRa 32’s battery connection was handy for making a portable test device.

I expect some enterprising developer will create a LoRaWAN integration at some point much like zwavejs or zigbee. ChirpStack has an extensive REST API but I haven’t explored that yet.


Greate work!.
BTW, you can use TTN or Loriot (Cloud based LNS) for free.

No Dashboard on TTN.

TTN and mqtt bridge in HA

this project helped me a lot to get my dragino running. Many thanks. I have one question: why did you not use the mqtt client of the dragino gateway to put the sensor data to the mqtt HA assistant integration? Why did you use chirpstack? Is there an advantage for someone like me that is not using chirpstack to switch to chripstack?
Many thanks for this documentation

I would not recommend this as there are limitations on these platforms over and above what is stipulated by the LoRa Alliance (Duty Cycles and latency on free tiers) This makes the learning curve for LoRaWAN much steeper. Needless to say, that a cloud is just someone else’s computer which kind of goes against the whole point of Home Assistant… :slight_smile:

Finally, the spat between TTN and Chirpstack regarding codecs left a horrible taste in a lot of people’s mounts, so I personally will never support a company like TTN… but each to their own and whatever works for you…

You’re welcome. Yes, its possible to send the gateway traffic via MQTT to HA. But then you would need to decode the UDP Semtech packet contents for the information you need. Also you must encode to UDP Semtech any control packet contents. For me, ChirpStack handles all the low-level UDP packet handling and decoding, encrypts the data and manages multiple units, even multiple gateways, easily. If you do not have the ability or desire to host ChirpStack, then direct communication via MQTT with the gateway is your option.

I agree. I try to keep my data and communications within my home LAN whenever possible. Third-party sites like TTN have their own objectives and business models which usually involve charging for the service or selling information about your data to someone else. For that reason, I also do not use devices in HA that require a cloud connection to communicate or send data. If it has a LAN-available API I will use it. My devices are on a VLAN that allows only communication with my servers so I know they are not sending information to a third-party site.

we are quite lucky here on Jersey and have been working with LoRaWAN for some time, running our own island-wide LoRaWAN network here. The technology is amazing. We run dual core gateways that both mine Helium as well as broadcast our own public network.

From heliumtracker, you can see one of our very well positioned gateways often checks into St Malo - around 65km away. It actually often check into Rennes too - around 150km away.

In terms of devices, I would look at the rest of the Dragino stuff too, they are pretty solid. I have had one of their reed sensors (open close) running in a retirement complex in South Africa. On 2 x AAA batteries, it has been running now for 3 years and the battery is still above 50% despite being in relatively active use.

It’s a great technology and your write up is a good one, so I would highly encourage anyone who is interested to give it a go!


Great and comprehensive write-up! I’m certainly going to use parts of it to connect my UG65 LoRaWAN gateway to Home Assistant.

Very interesting project and fun to see increasing interest in LORA in this forum. I’ve been working with Chirpstack through my job and it’s a great system, but it seems a bit too extensive for home use with just a few nodes connected to it. I think the best approach would be to run something like a LORA hat on an RPi and then send the raw message directly to HA for decoding, or if decoding is done on the LORA gateway and then forwarded via MQTT to HA. However, it’s important to maintain the same type of decoding that Chirpstack currently uses, JavaScript, since the node library is now quite extensive and well-supported. I would be happy to further explore this with someone knowledgeable and able to develop it. Personally, I lack the in-depth development skills.

it could be, however every protocol (Zigbee, Zwave) in home assistant also has a controller. It is always much easier to simply spin up chirpstack and as such get the visibility of things like your codecs as well as gateway metrics as well as controlling your device keys. Otherwise, you are hacking around in arduino code trying to troubleshoot…

If you are just using 1 sensor, then yea sure, but over time, you will be adding more, so best start out in the right (scalable) approach and use the right tools for the job!

However each to their own! :slight_smile:

I would also recommend dragino. I am an absolute newby to this LoraWan world (but somehow love the idea); and they helped me a lot, when I told them that I did not want to use OTA for configuration but “AT-commands”.
I was pushed back in time to my old 300baud modem :slight_smile: times.
They also helped me with a missing data endpoint for a system of them.
all the best

I cannot recommend Dragino enough in terms of the quality of all their products, the cost as well as the support.

From a comms protocol point of view, just remember, every wireless protocol has their pro’s and cons. If you can deal with the latency (which basically means avoid low latency use cases like automated lights) you will be very very pleasantly surprised.

I have some sensors (from dragino) that have been running for 4 years and still at 50% battery!

Dear rbuman70
I have a question to your post.

I have LPS8-N, i installed chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder, and in one of the next step you show configuration from ChirpStack network server.

How you manage to install docker on dragino gateway ?
On which firmware you were able to install it (?)

My goal is to run chirpstack server locally on dragino gateway.

Thank you.

Hi, PawelT. That is a difficult goal. The LPS8-N is designed as an embedded, dedicated device based on signal processing chips and RF processing hardware. Although supported by OpenWrt, it is unlikely that you would find a way to install ChirpStack.

From the introduction above,
“For the network server I could have used The Things Network (TTN), but I wanted a non-cloud, OpenSource solution so I went with ChirpStack. I already have a Linux server that hosts Home Assistant, zwavejs2mqtt and zigbee2mqtt as Docker containers and a Mosquitto MQTT server so adding ChirpStack was straightforward.”

I used a Linux server I already had. You might consider hosting Docker and ChirpStack on say a Raspberry Pi instead if you don’t have a suitable server.

Uiguy, I was amazed when I read your post about your LoRaWAN network and seeing the distances that it can communicate. What hardware are you using? It’s astounding considering the endpoints from Jersey and the mainland aren’t even line-of-sight. What type of antennas and power levels do you use?


There is nothing special about the hardware, it just needs to be positioned correctly. That specific gateway is line of of sight actually.

That gateway is a HP0D from Dragino which is actually mining Helium as well as broadcasting our network (LNS) at the same time!

The setup is straight out the box (standard setup - 3dBm Antenna)

These gateways are actually just a raspberry pi with a helium/LoRaWAN HAT, so power consumption is pretty negligible

Yea, I don’t think that is possible with that Gateway. You need to install on dediccated Hardware or VM.

If you like, you are more than welcome to use our Chirpstack core for testing. PM me if you are interested and I can setup a tenant on there.

Can you please share the device (heltec) code?
I’m trying to run the examples but i’m getting a lot of errors and don’t know why.