Integrating Nest Protect smoke alarms

Thank you for the guide @Stiltjack It is well laid out and easy to follow. I have followed it a number of times diligently but consistently get an ‘Unexpected Error’.

Here’s what I’ve done: tried both v0.4.0.b2 and v0.4.0b1 (restarts each time); tried Firefox and Brave (I purged Chrome some time ago). I have enabled ‘All Cookies’ on both.

I get all the fields/responses mentioned for both ‘issueToken’ and ‘oauth2/iframe’ - everything is where the guide says it should be - but still getting ‘Unexpected Error’. If necessary I will reinstall Chrome I guess.

Does anyone have any insight or suggestions?


I refreshed my integration today on 2023.7.3 installation because the cookie expired and new integration on 2023.10.5 both are using 0.4.0b2. It is working well on both the installations. I used Google Chrome browser to pick token & cookie. Yes, it does not show labels on text fields in input window when you input the token & cookie values. There seems some other issue with your setup.

Update: solved

Good evening everyone

I’m trying to set up the integration, everything works, I can also get the token and the cookies. However, I cannot connect to my smoke detectors. Anyone have an idea where things could go wrong?

I have tested both the latest betas. When ‘sending’ the data, the integration continues to load. Until I get the error message “cannot connect”.

Thank you in advance!

Thank you for your response.

After many attempts I have had success.

For those who misunderstood like me: Don’t use the ‘Field Test’ option!

Hi All
Has something changed with either the integration or the google backend?

My Nest protect integration was solid for many months, but found that recently (after moving to 0.4.0b2) that the cookie and key expire on each HA restart.

Is this the same for anyone else?

Not that I’m aware of - mine’s still working (also on 0.4.0b2).

Mine also works even after multiple reboots.


After trying a lot, I managed to reconnect my devices.
It looks like a cold restart / hard restart fixed the problems for me.

I can successfully install and configure and it appears it connects to my Nest account correctly and I get no error messages BUT none of my nest protect smoke alarms show up in HA. Has anyone encountered this and know of a way to fix it? Could it be because I have two homes configured in the Nest app (the other does not have Nest protect smoke alarms, only cameras) and it connects to the wrong home? I have not found a way in the Nest app to set a default not in the HACS integration to configure what home to use.

Any help or insight would be most appreciated.

@oscarhemberg are you using the HACS (ha-nest-protect) integration? If so, please create an issue on GitHub and I will have a look why it doesn’t work for you.

Worked instantly. Great work!

Yesterday I changed my Google Password. And had to reconfigure the NEST Protect integration. Use the v0.4.0b4 version.

I was able to get the new issue_token and cookies> followed the explanation how to get them.

Everything worked again without any issues.

Update: Restart HA this morning. Nest Project failed. The token is gone, so have to start everything again to get the 2 URLS

Thank you so very much! I really like the Nest Protect detectors, but they seem to be the ugly step-sister to the rest on the Nest line, for some reason. I don’t have any other Nest products and I was so disappointed when they stopped working with my ST integration.
I’m not talented enough to create magic like this on my own and I am VERY appreciative that you are willing to share it with us.
I’m fairly new to HA, this was my first forray into HACS. I got stuck slightly viewing repositories, but then I finally realized I had “filtering by Downloaded” on for some reason. Cleared that and it was all smooth, exactly as you describe.
Happy 2024 and thank you again, my friend!
-Doug in Brooklyn

Yes, using the HACS integration. Will create an issue in GitHub. Appreciate the help.

Is one of the exposed entities the motion sensor? This would be my main point of doing this.

I believe they’re only available if you have a wired smoke alarm (I haven’t), but if that’s the case, yes. The example card on GitHub certainly shows occupancy.

Thanks. I see that now, lol. Not sure how I didn’t yesterday. Got it setup this morning. Time to tinker tonight!

Hi all,

I cannot add it via GitHub - iMicknl/ha-nest-protect: Nest Protect integration for Home Assistant. This will allow you to integrate your smoke, heat, co and occupancy status real-time in HA. under “Add integration to My” button for HACS - I get this error below


I searched for HACS in Add Integration button and it’s not there too.

  • Core 2024.2.3
  • Supervisor 2024.02.0
  • Operating System 11.5
  • Frontend 20240207.1

Has something changed?


Is there any update? I disabled the whole integration because of failure all the time after reconfigure the stuff.