Integrating Somfy RTS Shades

ESPSomfy RTS is a device that you assemble for around $20 that uses readily available parts and is purpose built for awnings, gates, blinds, shutters, garage doors, and shades. It also performs monitoring of the motor positions, external sun/wind sensors and provides automations within HA through the integration.

It does not use an RFXtrx433 device, it uses an ESP32 and a CC1101 module that can be assembled using Dupont cables without any special skills. The original poster @bphillips921 uses ESPSomfy RTS and created a few devices actually to manage all of his motors. You will find in the wiki all the documentation to create a device, configure it, and integrate it with HA.

In the end, if you decide to use ESPSomfy RTS it will not work with your RFX device.

Take 5 minutes to read the documentation and you will be able to configure Somfy RTS in the HA RFXCOM implementation.
The chapter Somfy RTS shows how to configure Somfy RTS for the RFX433XL. The configuration in HA is the same for all RFX models (RFXtrx433E, RFXtrx433XL and RFX433XL)

The RFX433XL can be used at the same time for many other devices and sensors, see chapter 2.4 in the RFXtrx User Guide.pdf and is not a dedicated controller for Somfy RTS!

For example:
For temperature/humidity the Conrad FT007TH can be used. This sensor has 8 channels thus you can use up to 8 sensors.
Visonic 433MHz security sensors can be used.
Chacon appliance and dimmer modules can be controlled.
And many other…


I have RFXCOM device up and running. Use it to receive temp/hum from 5 cresta devices, works fine.
Now I want to add my Somfy sunscreens to HA too using RFXCOM (have this working on my Domoticz setup).
I get somewhat confused with the instructions and how to add. In the instructions is written that it does not support receive for the Somfy RTS protocol - as such devices cannot be automatically added.
When I check the latest firmware on RFXCOM I see that support for Somfy RTS receive has been added in version 2031 (17/04/2024).
Does this mean that when I flash my RFXCOM to the latest version (2032) my sunscreens will be auto discovered?
As the manual bit appears complicated, plugging it in my PC running RFXmngr pairing it then manual create the devices in HA. My previous experience with that are not all to great. Tried to change switch to dimmer…
Thanks for the quidance/support

Use the same ID and unit nbr in HA as used in Domoticz. The ID - unit nbr is stored in the RFX.

Somfy receive is only supported by the RFX433XL but cannot be used in HA. And Somfy receive is only used for the Somfy wind and sun sensor.

You should really try ESPSomfy RTS. While it is not for the other items that you are using RFXCOM for, it really will take your shades, screen, shutters, and doors to a new level. All at a cost of less than $20us. That being said it natively receives RTS signals so it does not matter if you use a remote or even RFXCOM. It will always know the position. If you have sun and wind sensors, or tilt enabled motors, those are supported as well.

You don’t need any solder skills or tweaking around with command lines, yaml, or even configuration files. The UI is easy to manage and you don’t need to remember how you configured it. It even supports MQTT auto discovery if you want it in your Domoticz.

For HA, the plugin supports grouping, positions, backups, and firmware updates directly within the HA interface. It also implements the event and service models to include your entities in integrations.

Anyhow if you want a solution that just works here it is.

Thanks for the tip to use my Domitcz ID’s did not think of that will try it and then look into the ESPSomfy-RTS solution. Did find it but maybe above my fiddling with hardware skills.
Thanks for the help and ideas.

Hi Mr. Rstrouse,

Just ordered the CC1101 Transceiver Module, cables and ESP32 were laying around. Should arrive this week. Hopeful that I have enough skills to program the ESP32 (ESP32-WROOM-32U-N16) and get it working in HA.
Will keep you posted on mu experience. Thanks for creating this simple(?) solution for Somfy :slight_smile:

@Benneton You got this it is super simple. The fact that you have an ESP32 laying around means you at least know how to power one up. Lots of folk out there have been successful without ever having layed eyes on an ESP32.

@rstrouse Module arrived :slight_smile:
Programmed the ESP32, had to do it about 15 times before it actual started to download. Connect tranceiver and confige network and wireless.
Then add my first sunscreen tested and worked :slight_smile:
Will add the ohters later and then integrate in HA.
Thanks for this great piece of soft- and hardware.

You will find that once you load the integration through HACs the HA integration is even easier.

Yes using teh HACs HA integration was so simple! Should be for most domotica devices this simple :smiley:
Again many thanks for you time and effort!

Alternatively, add a weather integration (I’m using - its free), and add current wind speed as a trigger to draw your blinds up.

In the same opinion as you - the Somfy mylink device isn’t spectacular… I deployed a mylink v1 device controlling 5 blinds - I have it working, but sitting very close to WIFI AP, and always shows weak wifi signal… Trying to add a second Somfy Mylink device (a v2 device), and getting authentication error every time… Has anyone else working with the Somfy Mylink devices successfully added more than 1 device?

Thanks for this amazing project!
I have Somfy curtains with a Glydea Ultra RTS motor and I want to control them remotely / with HA

I have a few questions (I would appreciate anyone who can answer):

  1. Signal range - my house is long and narrow, about 200 square meters. I have curtains at 2 ends of the house - is one such unit enough for me or do I need 2? Where should it be placed?
  2. Is it possible to purchase such a ready-made unit, instead of building it myself (I have no knowledge on this area yet)
  3. Can you recommend specific hardware with links to purchase?
  4. Can such a mechanism operate on batteries or does it require a connection to electricity? If so, which batteries and how long will they last?

Thanks, and sorry for the newbie questions

The signal range for ESPSomfy RTS is very good. Somfy remotes do not typically have great range so a good test is to try to move the curtain with the Somfy remote from the opposite end of the house. If it moves then you probably only need 1 device. There are some users with over 5,000 sqft homes that control motors throughout the house without any issues.

Generally the 433mHz signal from ESPSomfy RTS will travel a very long distance without obstruction but the Somfy remotes do not and obstructions such as walls… etc can be a menace to the signal. That being said, if you have drywall and wooded studs a single ESPSomfy RTS device should suffice unless you have more than 32 motors.

There is not a ready made device that I am aware of. A while back another user created a PCB but I don’t know if they planned on publishing it. However, you can create one without any special skills.

The link above contains lots of information on the two components you need. The firmware supports many versions of the ESP32 to allow you to create a device that matches the type of device you want.

I have not operated the device for extended periods of time on batteries. So I don’t know what kind of battery life you will get. That being said, there are examples of devices that use PoE as well as an example build of a very inconspicuous device that I recently created.