Integrating Sonoff RF code in Broadlink RM Pro (no remote will work)

Hi All.
I am really struggling to get my new Sonoffs to work with HA. I received my first 2 basic editions at the weekend but am waiting for the pins so that I can flash the board(they should be here in a few days). I also received a Sonoff RF this morning but assumed it would work with one of my existing 433 Mhz remotes. It looks like it only works with the sonoff remotes though.

After a quick search I cannot find a place that delivers cheap and quick including from Amazon or ebay. The thing is I need to get my outside Christmas lights up before my Wife says it’s too late and I want to fix them to the outside power supply instead of jarring a cable in the window as I always have done.

I am hoping that some kind person out there would be kind enough to send me a code from a Sonoff RF remote for me to put into my broadlink file. Then, I can put the Sonoff in learning mode; send the packet through HA and then all will hopefully be fine. I have already done it with one code only to realise the code was from a thread not related to the sonoff :-/ I could pair it and see the red light on the Sonoff flashing when I clicked the on/off command but obviously no switching took place.

I understand the remotes are toggle switches and not on/off and if that’s the case then just one code would be fine until I can get myself a remote or the pins that will enable me to flash my basic models come.

Any help and/or any other ideas are much appreciated. For reference the code I am after is one like this (but one that works on a Sonoff RF):

platform: broadlink
mac: !secret broadlink_mac
friendly_name: RM Pro
   friendly_name: "Sonoff"
   # codes that flash the Sonoff RF LED but don't work
   command_on: 'siA0AAsdHgoLHQsdHgoeCh4KCx0LHR4KHgoeCgsdCx0eCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCQsAAToAAAAA'
   command_off: 'siA0AAsdHgoLHQsdHgoeCh4KCx0LHR4KHgoeCgsdCx0eCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCQsAAToAAAAA'

For now why don’t you just set up one of them with the ewelink app, literally a couple of minutes and you’ll be wife friendly. Then you can worry about flashing and their longer term use at your leisure.

I think that is what I may have to do. I’m just too impatient and would really like to group the 3 different sockets for Christmas lights (from different areas of the house) into one.

I’ve spent about 4 days now trying to get the method of using my server/main PC instead of the itead server. It is just annoying that I need a certain RF remote and/or to flash them to get what I want them to do.

I have only been using HA for a few weeks now and it has tied so many of my smart home functions together that I want to use for as many things as possible.

Don’t worry, once you’ve flashed them and got them all set up how you want you’ll forget the pain getting there. The RF also has wifi so you can still use it regardless.

If you desperate to flash them now, check around any old kit you might have, I made a four pin probe from the header I found in an old router. Left a chunk of circuit board attached to give it strength and it worked perfectly to flash 10 Sonoffs in about 30 minutes including initial set up of

Other than that you could give SonOTA a go.