Hi All.
I am really struggling to get my new Sonoffs to work with HA. I received my first 2 basic editions at the weekend but am waiting for the pins so that I can flash the board(they should be here in a few days). I also received a Sonoff RF this morning but assumed it would work with one of my existing 433 Mhz remotes. It looks like it only works with the sonoff remotes though.
After a quick search I cannot find a place that delivers cheap and quick including from Amazon or ebay. The thing is I need to get my outside Christmas lights up before my Wife says it’s too late and I want to fix them to the outside power supply instead of jarring a cable in the window as I always have done.
I am hoping that some kind person out there would be kind enough to send me a code from a Sonoff RF remote for me to put into my broadlink file. Then, I can put the Sonoff in learning mode; send the packet through HA and then all will hopefully be fine. I have already done it with one code only to realise the code was from a thread not related to the sonoff :-/ I could pair it and see the red light on the Sonoff flashing when I clicked the on/off command but obviously no switching took place.
I understand the remotes are toggle switches and not on/off and if that’s the case then just one code would be fine until I can get myself a remote or the pins that will enable me to flash my basic models come.
Any help and/or any other ideas are much appreciated. For reference the code I am after is one like this (but one that works on a Sonoff RF):
platform: broadlink
mac: !secret broadlink_mac
friendly_name: RM Pro
friendly_name: "Sonoff"
# codes that flash the Sonoff RF LED but don't work
command_on: 'siA0AAsdHgoLHQsdHgoeCh4KCx0LHR4KHgoeCgsdCx0eCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCQsAAToAAAAA'
command_off: 'siA0AAsdHgoLHQsdHgoeCh4KCx0LHR4KHgoeCgsdCx0eCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCgsdHgoeCQsAAToAAAAA'