Integrating wireless Intergas Kompakt HRE boiler to Home Assistant

Hi All,

At home I have an Intergas Kompakt HRE boiler as a heating system. This boiler is being controller by Honeywell Home Wireless thermostat. Because another device can pair with the boiler I think it should be possible to pair it also to HA using some RF receiver/transmitter. Does any one know an existing solution for that?

I bought OpenTherm Gateway device stupidly thinking that it is meant for such a system, but it is used to intercept a cable between the boiler and the thermostat.

Any help would be appreciated.



As winter is coming i would like to resurect this. I still haven’t found a solution.

Hi. I have just bumped int o your post while I am trying to solve a bit similar situation.

The boiler and the termostat are talking over 868MHz RF protocol. Something at least a bit similar to a honeywell evohome protocol. So you can take a look at ramses_rf. There is a home assistant integration based upon this protocol implementation – ramses_cc. You will need something like SSM-D2 to communicate via the RF protocol. But as I was told this integration is not meant to work with use case like yours ( or mine ). That means it is not that simple that you buy the SSM-D2 plug it in install ramses_cc in your HA and you will be able to control your boiler with HA. Anyway I am thinking about some kind of solution. I have the SSM-D2 and curently I am eavesdropping the communcation and I think it would be possible to write custom integration to communicate with the boiler over RF by sending the heat demand messages directly from HA ( instead of from thermostat ). For this case the OT gateway you bought might be usefull ( if you mean something like R8810A ), because the communication options with the boiler relay are quite limited. Maybe with your OT gateway you will be even able to integrate to HA using the ramses_cc integration. But I am not really sure about that ( and still you need something like the SSM-D2 ).

Anyway. If you are looking for some simple solution to integrate into HA. I think you can use RFG100 to connect your system with the honeywell total connect app, which can be integrated in HA quite simple using the evohome integration.

I also have a HoneyWell Thermostat and my Home assistant now has 2 entities for this thermostat.

The HoneyWell Lyric I’ve added through a Home Assisteant instruction page:

Both have the temperature, but after that different entities. Sadly not the one I’m looking for; hot water running. :unamused:

My honeyWell is slightly different, but it shouldn’t make a difference.

Perhaps this helps. And perhaps someone can tell me wether it is possible to “tap” in to the hot water running sensor of the Intergas Kompakt HRe