Integration appears in log file but not in Integration-page


I was trying to update form HAOS 2023.07.2 to 2023.12.4 with the result that the browser gets stuck after the login on a page homeassistant.local:8123/lovelance with the displayed message “loading data”.

After restoring the old version I found out that in the logs appears to error message saying:
2023-12-28 00:15:31.870 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.service] Failed to load integration: homematicip_local homeassistant.loader.IntegrationNotFound: Integration 'homematicip_local' not found.

My problem is that in “Configuration - Devices & Services - Integrations” the Homematicip_local-Integration is not shown.

Quick overview of my HA-Installation:
Main HA 2023.07.02 is running on a Proxmox V7.4-17 with 8GB RAM and 32GB disk. On this HA this message appears.
2nd HA 2023.12.03 is running on a RPI 4B with 4GB RAM and 120 GB USB3 external SDD. Here is homeaticIP_local installed to manage my Homematic and Homematic-IP devices.

Both HAs are communicating via the Remote-Homeassistant integration where the HA instance on Proxmox is the main instance and the HA on the RPI is the remote instance.

Question: How do I get rid of the Integration “HomematicIP_local” on the Proxmox-HA?

To do some more analysis I need a little more help:

  1. How can I reboot the HA into recovery mode using the CLI?

  2. How do I disable an Integration via the CLI?

Any help is appreciated! :slight_smile:
