Integration error: customize - Integration 'customize' not found

Hello All,

Having just upgraded to 2022.6.2 from 2022.5.5 I appear to have a broken integration.

I’d call myself a pretty diligent updater. I read release notes thoroughly and update regularly. I can’t see anything in the release notes that would cause this to break.

Essentially I use “customize” to add a photo of myself and wife to our status icons in Lovelace.

I upgraded and everything restarted fine. Which AFAIK shouldn’t happen if the config is wrong. Then I tried to do a restart again and the error appears again.

Am I missing something in this latest update which makes this code not work anymore!?

Thanks in advance.


Here is my code and error:


# ha configuration


# customize configuration  

customize: !include customize.yaml


    entity_picture: /local/IMG_0242.JPG

    entity_picture: /local/IMG_0243.jpg


Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/ 
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 3:20:32 PM (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 3:20:32 PM

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: customize - Integration 'customize' not found.

customize is under homeassistant:, so you lack an indentation, here.

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Such a keen eye, thank you.

Added the usual 2 spaces for indentation and all is working again.

Interesting though. Nothing had changed between updates. It’s as if either the update stripped the indentation from the file as part of the update or for some reason it was parsing the yaml as fine in previous versions without the indentation.


All is well now, thanks again!