Hello All,
Having just upgraded to 2022.6.2 from 2022.5.5 I appear to have a broken integration.
I’d call myself a pretty diligent updater. I read release notes thoroughly and update regularly. I can’t see anything in the release notes that would cause this to break.
Essentially I use “customize” to add a photo of myself and wife to our status icons in Lovelace.
I upgraded and everything restarted fine. Which AFAIK shouldn’t happen if the config is wrong. Then I tried to do a restart again and the error appears again.
Am I missing something in this latest update which makes this code not work anymore!?
Thanks in advance.
Here is my code and error:
# ha configuration
# customize configuration
customize: !include customize.yaml
entity_picture: /local/IMG_0242.JPG
entity_picture: /local/IMG_0243.jpg
Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/__init__.py:673
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:20:32 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:20:32 PM
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: customize - Integration 'customize' not found.