Integration for a MQTT stream from a motor home light controller

I have a pi connected to my motor home light controller. I am able to get a MQTT event when lights are activated. My goall is to show the state of the lights and control them from HA.

Here is the MQTT stream that I can use. What would be the best way of meeting my goals?

The command of 2 is an on and a 3 is off.

Thanks for any ideas!

{"command":2,"command definition":"on delay","data":"27FFC802FF00FFFF","delay/duration":255,"desired level":100,"dgn":"1FEDB","group":"11111111","instance":39,"interlock":"00","interlock definition":"no interlock active","name":"DC_DIMMER_COMMAND_2","timestamp":"1566413650.171941"}

It is correct to use the following to pull switch values from MQTT JSON keys?

  platform: mqtt
  state_format: 'json:somekey[0].value'
