Integration for Danalock v3 Zigbee

@hans80 to fix this issue (I had the same), pull batteries out of the lock, leave out for 10 seconds. Then pop the batteries back in, go to the app and choose to pair again - go to your zigbee integration and tell it to add devices

thanks for the tips. I already tried that. Also a problem is that it looks like the connection to the locks sometimes is lost. But when i go into deCONZ application through VNC i can issue an unlock/lock which will work fine…

I use a Conbee 2 stick too. My connection to the lock is never lost, so I haven’t taken my keys with me in months. I used to have life360 for geofence, but now just using the HA app. Adjust the home radius as needed. It does take 3-5 seconds from when sending the zigbee command.
I’m still missing a battery sensor, and a lock/unlock status…

Hi, just got my danalock…set up the app and all working fine. Using Echo Show as my Zigbee hub and Alexa now has full control of the lock and all working fine. However would appreciate any help in how I now get the lock status to show in home assistant…its not appearing as an entity as far as I can see but was expecting it to once it was added to the Echo Show hub. Any support appreciated. thanks

@scottda did you get this working? If not, I’m happy to try and help

@Townsmcp - Hi, firstly thanks for responding. No I dont have it in HA yet would but love to get this working…I am pretty new to HA but not a complete novice. If you have any instructions that I may be able to follow that would be super helpful. Thank you

So although you have the lock linked to Echo Show, are you able to see any other zigbee devices linked to Echo in HA?

I generally use the relevant skills in Alexa to link to my Hue lights and i have some smart switches linked by smart things. Not sure if thats what you meant? I can see all these devices but think they are being picked up by the skills integration if that makes sense. Happy to follow any instructions if you need me to check something else

Hi @Townsmcp …did you need any further information from me on this one to assist? thanks

Is it possible to have it paired to both deCONZ AND the Danalock app at the same time? I just paired it successfully to the deCONZ app, however, when trying to pair it via Danalock app I got “No Devices Found” despite pressing the sidebutton 1 time (to start pairing). I notice it only lights for 5-10 seconds, then goes of (as if it’s saying “I am already connected elsewhere”)

Yes, that works, does in my setup. Remember that the Danalock app works over bluetooth so there’s no issue with having both protocols at the same time.
I would start over by resetting the Danalock by pressing the small switch 10 times and then install the lock completely according to Danalock instructions (make sure to do the calibration).
When that is done and works, do the deConz pairing.
You can’t, for some reason, start the zigbee pairing through the Danalock app but need to use the small switch as you described.

@simplenotezy I read somewhere that you have to setup with the phone app on bluetooth first and then setup Zigbee, never the other way around. Well, that was for the Zwave version of the Danalock which I have battled with for 2 years now. I assume its the same process for both models.

That’s what I tried to convey in the post I did above. Perhaps it wasn’t clear.

It sounds as if there remains a few problems/bugs with the Zigbee HA integration.

Can someone give a current overview of what works and what does not?
I am very interested in buying the DanaLock v3 particularly because of Zigbee. (ohh the Zigbee!!!)
My HA setup ZHA with Conbee II
It sounds as if it can lock and unlock the door, and even open the door (depending on the type of lock and door latch. Here in Spain it is all connected, so the key can lock, unlock and open the door). However, I am unsure from the comments how reliable the HA connection is via Zigbee, and if the status is working correctly. Does Home Assistant know the correct status of the door? Also is the battery level sensor working ? Being able to have HA warn me when the battery is low would be very helpful, especially if it only needs to be changed once a year.
Does anyone know if you can disable the danalock app once everything is setup? I prefer not to have my front door connected to the Internet.

Thank you.

I have finally got my Danalock talking to HA now via Zigbee using a Conbee II. I still have the Danalock app running, not tried removing that yet. Reporting status fine into HA and working with remote lock/unlock etc. Also paired via Alexa with alexa skill and voice password to unlock. Battery status showing fine in HA too. Not had any issues (so far) with persistence of zigbee connectivity. thanks

update on my situation. Whist this works fine, when i reboot HA, i lose the connectivity to the USB conbee device. Loads of issues with reliable USB pass thru using virtual box. Lots of stuff on the forums but no conclusive fix. If anyone has a conbee working with HA using ZHA running on virtual box in windows, please can you share how you configured this? Mine is really hit an miss…with more miss than hit!

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If you want some stable/production stuff, just go with an Intel NUC running HassOS, I’ve never been so satisfied of Home Assistant since then !

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Silly question: Does the device running HA need to be by the lock (as in physical proximity) or can it just be connected to the same network?

@ickam no, the HA device doesn’t need to be near the lock. For my setup, HA is installed in a virtual session (Proxmox) many meters away. I do however have a router (zigbee plug) within about 1m away from the Danalock to repeat the zigbee mesh

I only have a single zigbee hub, at the moment servicing just the danalock. It does not seem to be very smart though (it’s a tuya hub) and it only tells me when the door has been unlocked, will that work with home assistant or does it need to be able to read status of the lock by itself?