This would be fantastic. The only thing I can do until it’s integrated (if it ever can be) is add a shortcut to the eufy clean app to my dashboard. But it would be so much better if I could do things like get the cleaner to clean when there is no presence detected in the house and things like that.
I think it will link to alexa so I wonder if there is some way I can tell HA to command Alexa to start cleaning when we are all out. That might be a work around for now.
I intended to rewrite some of the js code here but never got to complete that, so instead I used the js code to create a simple web service, that can can be run with docker compose up with this (this is a temporary branch with my mess in it) code and then using rest_commands for the vacuum in HA. e.g: ``` vacuum_status: url:
vacuum: - platform: template vacuums: downstairs_vacuum: value_template: “{% set s = states(‘input_text.vacuum_status’) %}{{‘docked’ if s == ‘charging’ else s}}” unique_id: d4e8f8a2-5c3e-4b8e-9b8e-8c4f8e8f8e8f start: - action: rest_command.vacuum_home return_to_base: - action: rest_command.vacuum_stop ``` And having a input string to put the vacuum status in.
I got some success in porting the code to Python, so there’s a simple integration that can be installed via HACS, has the most basic features, battery, status, clean, return home and scene cleaning. There is much more to do!
You can find the code here. All you have to do is to login with your credentials, and your vacuum should show up.