Integration for Fröling Connect

Fröling is an Austrian manufacturer for heating system (wood, pellets, wood chips…) and they are already offering a web interface with MQTT.

For ioBroker there is already an add-on to see the different statuses, get nofifications and also the possibility for some configurations, details see here:

I would be really happy if such an integration would be possible!

Yes! Need too! PLS!


this would bea great!


i would be happy to get it too


Totally interested. Getting a Fröling PE1 installed actually.

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me too :+1:

would be great to get my froeling connect integrated :+1:

I would also be very grateful!

yes please :wink:

Hi, I would be very happy too !!! Froling S3 Turbo here.

Hi all,

I’ve started to create myself a solution with ESPHome (ESP32 & RS232 adapter) to get data from my fröling system via ModBus (COM2).

Feel free to checkout the current status:

GitHub - GyroGearl00se/ESPHome-Froeling-Lambdatronic_3200: ESHome RS232 to TTL - ESP32 - Read data from Froeling / Lambdatronic 3200

It is not complete yet - And I’m also not sure if it would fit everyone’s need. I have a Fröling SP Dual 20.

Feel free to contribute :slight_smile:

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I need that as well!

This integration would be very useful! +1

Looks very interresting… could be an alternative to the p3d/MQTT combination I’m currently using…

Hey Everyone,

I was wondering if it would be possible to grab everything I need with the “Scrape” integration of the Fröling Connect page. Has anyone any experience with doing so?

Thanks a lot.