(Les Novotny)
December 29, 2024, 2:30am
Recently, I purchased 4 Globe Smart Plugs from Costco as they were well priced; however, I could not find an existing Integration for it in HAOS.
Has anyone had the same issue? or is an Integration being developed?
Link to plug
December 29, 2024, 5:04am
try the tuya add ons, globe is usually rebranded tuya.
December 29, 2024, 5:08am
tuya or one of their rebrands.
tuya app has been able to connect ha and all of my random wall plugs from thrift store.
(Les Novotny)
December 29, 2024, 9:47pm
Thank you for pointing in the right direction.Bit of fiddling to get USER CODE required by the Tuya integration, but got it to work.
(Les Novotny)
December 29, 2024, 9:55pm
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Bit of fiddling to get USER CODE required by the Tuya integration, but got it to work.
Would be great if HA added Globe.
December 29, 2024, 11:52pm
There’s ways to control some smart plugs with fewer apps but it usually isn’t worth the hassle to me.
EDIT: Note this will only work with the original smart plug that comes in an orange box. The series 2 plug that comes in a purple box has an incompatible Wifi module that would require a transplant .
I’m getting to the end of the 20 or so Officeworks Brilliant power monitoring smart plugs I purchased before they changed to be unflashable by Tuya Convert. And surprise surprise some of mine are unflashable too.
So I went to town on the ultrasonicly welded case of an unflashable one with the “vice…
Hi! I decided to open up a smart plug to see if I was able to flash it with Tasmota, expecting to find the 3v tx rx and gnd ports printed somewhere on the device, but I couldn’t find it. I took some pictures to see if someone had any insights regarding if it’s possible to flash it and where would I need to solder the connections.
I am not an expert on this and I would actually like to practice on this device (as it is an old Twakie smart plug and the official app is no longer maintained so I am…