Integration, I can't delete them (Bin Icon does nothing)

Hi I have been playing with the HACS alexa_media addon. But HA runs slow after a while with lots of websocket errors. So I have temporarily uninstalled the alexa_media addon and now have lost of icons etc on my dashboard. I want to remove them.

But if I go to Configuration > Integration > and click on the Configured item I get a page worth of devices (all my Dots) but if I click on the Bin (top right) it asks if I really want to delete, if click yes then nothing changes.

Running Home Assistant 0.106.5, how do I manually remove this from the integration page

Thanks, Dave

I have exactly the same issue. After failed delete action, in ha.log I can read:
homeassistant.loader.IntegrationNotFound: Integration ‘alexa_media’ not found.

So, before start from scratch I believe the only way could be install again the alexa_media component, and then try to delete the integration. Please let me know if you have already solved.

EDIT: Got it! At least for me. I downloaded the latest component from here:

Restore the custom_component directory and restart HA. Then I was able to delete the integration.

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