Integration not showing up in add integrations

Hi there,

i`m trying to add a few led strips to my home assistant, but it seems i can not add the Flux_led integration from the gui. (configuration->integrations->+add integration)
is there something to add to get all available integrations in the gui or what did i miss?

Hi there…Its said that flux led should be available in integrations page to configure but it is missing for me too. Instead of configuring it in UI you can add something like this to your configuration.yaml and make the light work.

  - platform: flux_led
        name: Infinity Mirror
        mode: "rgb"
        name: Living Room LED
        mode: "rgb"

please change the ip to ip of your lights and also the mode if its rgbw

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cool, i got it to show up and kinda do stuff :smiley:
i got the error: no unique entity id though, so it seems it misses a lot of communication and cant see if its on or off etc. so i can occasionally turn it on, or off or change the color or go to warm white… but not reliably… anything else you did to get things under control?

thanks so much

Reliability is an issue for me too but it works. Is this led a branded product or DIY?

branded is a strong word for aliexpress :wink: but they are the 9-28v rgbww magichome strip controllers

You can flash wled if the controller is esp. It is reliable and advanced. But unlike magichome, wled is local and so might need to open some ports or so control it from outside your network directly. Check this.

Most integrations aren’t available that way. All you have to do is follow the docs for the integration and they’ll tell you whether it supports UI setup, or YAML setup.

Flux led docs says its available in UI. but its not there

It looks like that changed in 2021.2 - if you’re on an older release it’s still YAML.

Not sure why that was missed from the release notes

Mine is 2012.2 but still flux_led is not present in UI

i tried before and after updating, its not in the ui. now im running latest version on core and supervisor. i`ll have a look at the WLED firmware. thank you.