I have a problem with the integration of analog water meters.
What I want:
I would like to integrate 4 analog water meters for 2x cold and 2x hot water each. The water meters show a steadily increasing amount of consumed water denoted in m³. I will read the water meters semi-monthly or monthly and record them in Home Assistant.
In the Energy dashboard I want to see the the average water consumption per day since the last time it was recorded.
Additionally, in the energy dashboard I would like to see the cost of water used since the laste time it was recorded.
When selecting a different time period in the energy dashboard, it should use the daily average values as a basis.
What I did (per meter):
First, I created a helper of type “input_number” with the following settings:
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 99999
Step size: 0.001
Unit of measurement: m³
Then I created another helper of type “Template sensor” with the following settings:
State template: {{ states('input_number.water_meter_1') }}
Unit of measurement: m³
Device class: Water
State class: Total increasing
Lastly, I added the meter to the energy dashboard and set a static price per m³.
Status quo:
After recording new meter readings, the difference since the last recording is displayed as a large item in the particular hour in which I recorded the new value and not over the entire time since the previous recording.
Additionally, I noticed that when viewing the history of the sensor, it does not generate a correct graph when Home Assistant is restarted between both reading intervals. Home Assistant creates a new data point with the previous reading when restarting, although no value was recorded.
Thank you!