After reading for several days, I’m frustrated, because, get no hint, that leads to solution.
In this forum, a lot of threads describe, how to connect and include these thermostats, but it does work here.
It is possible, to find the device using the bash running bluetoothctl. The mac-adress and the device-name is displayed.
Running eq3cli fails, command not found.
Runnung blootoothcli power of/on works, bluetoothcli pair mac … works
Running blootooth trust mac… works.
I configured the configiration.yaml, the device is displayed on the main dashboard, but disabled and not available.
The configuration.yaml looks like:
*# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.*
*# Load frontend themes from the themes folder*
* themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes*
*# Text to speech*
* - platform: google_translate*
*automation: !include automations.yaml*
*script: !include scripts.yaml*
*scene: !include scenes.yaml*
*# Versuchsweise Thermostat-integration*
* - platform: eq3btsmart*
* devices:*
* Obergeschoss:*
* mac: '00:1A:22:AA:BB:CC'*
*# Versuchsweise Thermostat-integration*
* - platform: eq3btsmart*
* devices:*
* Erdgeschoss:*
* mac: '00:1A:22:XX:YY:ZZ'*
Is ist necessary, to install the eq3bt-bibliothek? Is there another, prefered german-howto with footfalls described? Does somebody find a big mistake, I’d made?
Next step: I can see the tile with the circle to regulate the temperature, but not part of it ist available, all is disabled and greyed out.
Bluetoothctl scan off is followed by: failed to stop discovery: org.bluez.error.failed
Bluetoothctl default-agent ist followed by: no agent is registered.
Now I more confused, not knowing, how to do the next step.
To pair, I used:
[bluetooth]# pair 00:1A:22:06:A7:83 [agent] Enter passkey (number in 0-999999):
But im not sure, how to use this command. The command bluetoothctl pair mac_adress does not fail, but every combination with passkey/enter passkey/mac-adress/passkey :xyzz etc fails, Too may arguments.
In between, I got connect to one of three thermostats, by doing all steps written above. One tile showed the temperature and the goal. The otther two did not connect, all stayed geyed out.
Today, allthough I did the same, no themostat connects.
I did erase all thermostats, and tried to connect them again. Every time bluetoothctl pair mac-adress seems to do well, but every try to inout passkey fails. Does somebody can tell me, how to use this line?