Integration of goe-charger (in local wifi)

I’ve prepared a custom component to consume the MQTT messages of the go-eCharger MQTT API v2:

I would be happy about some beta testing and support of the heavy EV charger users. :wink: Naming and value transformations could be improved step by step.

I’m not sure whether it’s fair to promote another integration here in this thread. On the other hand I have been waiting for an API v2 integration for quite some time and even started to directly consume the v2 API through Node RED, without a dedicated integration (which actually works quite well).
I would like to ask some questions about your new integration, but honestly I don’t want to hijack this thread. Maybe you want to open up another thread re your integration and leave a link here?

It wasn’t my intention to hijack this thread or to be unfair. :slight_smile: I’ve created a new one: Custom component goecharger_mqtt - go-eCharger HOMEfix EV charger integration

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i had the same problem… follow your instruction works :slight_smile: