Integration of heating systems on HA core manually

Hi all,

I have follow this steps to install core version of home assistant of raspberry pi with debian bookworm.

Now, i want to associated cozytouch heating system and piazzetta heating system.

I have found two/three projects from “”.


GitHub - Somfy-Developer/Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode: A collection of requests to use a local API with Somfy TaHoma gateways

But i don’t receive email to activated my somfy account created !


GitHub - vincentwolsink/home_assistant_micronova_agua_iot: Home Assistant integration controlling heating devices connected via the Agua IOT platform of Micronova → MyPiazzetta

But i don’t understand how to integrated projects on home assistant core !

Thanks for advices

Now, for Cozytouch, i have.


But i can’t do anything to active developer mod from my cozytouch bridge hardware on my home.

Select the Atlantic CozyTouch server and it will work. Looking at your screenshot, you selected the Somfy server…
CozyTouch doesn’t support local API, but cloud API will work fine.