Integration of HomeMatic in Home Assistant: several ways?


in the YouTube video it is explained how to integrate the HomeMatic environment (devices and CCU) into Home Assistant by using the “classic” way of editing the file configuration.yaml.

Alternatively, in Home Assistant the add-on HomeMatic can be installed.
Can somebody explain the difference between both methods please?

P.S.: I am a novice to Home Assistant, therefore my questions might move at a very basic level.

No answer yet… ok, the question doesn‘t seem to be interesting.


I didn’t have a look at the video, but if you don’t use the HomeMatic IP access point, then you always have to configure HomeMatic the classic way within the configuration.yaml.

The addons are there to emulate a CCU if you don’t already have one (or RaspberryMatic, Homgear…). When doing that, you need some sort of GPIO or USB attachment that handles the communication. So essentially with this you’ll have Home Assistant and the CCU on a single machine.

Anyways, the CCU created be the addon would then have to be referenced by the classic configuration just like an external one.

I use HomeMatic, not the IP version. I use a Raspberry Pi with Raspimatic as CCU2.

You used the precise word to clear my question: emulate the CCU.
Now I know, that I need the integration (as expalined here:, not the Add-On.

Thanx for your explanation and regards.