Integration of my pellets stove

Hi all, first of all i want to thanks to this community cause help me a lot to make my Home Assitant work great with many sensors and lights, is a nice project.

Secondly im going to post one question, i make a in dept research of that before post but didn’t find any information about. I have a pellet stove that uses a mobile app and controller:

I want to integrate with my home assitant and xiaomi temp sensors (integrated and working well) and make many automations but i dont know how to do it. Dont know if its possible to connect via some lua script or something like that. Have someone this scenario?

Note: I tried to connect via IR cause the stove have ir controller with xiaomi ir controller, but can’t make it works cause to start/stop stove it need to long press button not simple press. Simple press wake up display but not powering on the stove.

Any help will be very grateful

Thank you in advance.

I realise this post was made sometime ago but in case it helps. The logitech harmony hub can be integrated into homeassistant and programmed with your stoves remote codes through its own configuration program it is then possible to change the length of time it sends its signal for. Hope you or others find this useful.

Does this stove use a Duepi Evo wifi controller?