Has anybody integrated the light controllers from Oelo or Jellyfish with homeassistant? I know that the latter has a JSON API, others connect with Google Home or Alexa.
I am planning to buy and bounce between a couple of vendors
I’m interested as well. Oelo seems to support DIY and wondering if Oelo has any APIs.
You have got to be kidding me.
What in the world does the Oleo do that a $20 Athom WLED controller can’t? Or for that matter a $1 ESP8266-01?
I thought this looked familiar and after posting I saw the date of the post. I should know better to look at post dates because lately I have been seeing a lot of threads pop up that are months or even years old.
But, this one is so funny that I decided to not delete my reply.
You are right. The price is predominantly for the time and polished experience. I love DIY myself but obviously I do the research before investing in a big product like this. I’m still on the fence making a decision between Oelo vs a DIY solution.
If you have an extra $600 to toss about, go ahead. I wish I had friends with that kind of couch lint.
But, I’ll repeat- I see NOTHING in the Oleo specs that can’t be done with an Athom LED controller. I would be willing to bet that if you open an Oleo you will find an ESP processor.
Totally agreed. I think I will go ahead with DIY.
To get back to the original topic - oelo does support an API, however I failed to figure out how to authenticate against their AWS cognito and that’s where i’m stuck.
I’m trying to make a decision on Oelo or Jellyfish. I still don’t see any HA integrations for Oelo. Based on the post above are you saying I could just use a cheaper controller and get a native integration?