Integration of Velux / Elero hardware possible?

Hey everyone,

I would like to automate the roller shutters of one normal window (Elero) and two roof windows (Velux). However, I am unsuere if it is possible at all to integrate the already installed hardware in home-assistant and hope, someone maybe can help me to sort that out.

To make it worse, I don’t know the exact product names and versions of the installed hardware and currently only have the type of remotes used.

The normal shutter is a Elero Tmpotel 2 (Funkhandsender TempoTel 2). Elero seems to offer something called Centero Home for SmartHome features (maybe a little bit oversized for what I am looking for).

The remotes for both roof windwos is Velux WUR 101 50 01 each - some sort of infrared remotes, I guess.
