Integration of Victron Cerbo GX with local MQTT

Hi there,
I currently struggle a little bit with the integration of my Victron Devices through MQTT.
In the most topics here in the forum the way goes with modbus tcp, I am not sure, but is this the only way? Or better the right way?

Because i would prefere to connect my victron devices through mqtt, but feel free to point me to the advantages and disadvantages.

The problem for now is, that i didn’t get any entities for my victron devices.

I created a bridge for my cerbo and if I connect to my haos broker instanz i see all the topics. But directly in HAOS-Web i can’t see anything.
So i think i must manually create the entities for every topic/item, but how ?

Thanks for your help!
kind regards

This is getting data from tesla via MQTT, but you shold get the gist:

    - name: tesla_display_name
      state_topic: "teslamate/cars/1/display_name"
      icon: mdi:car

    - name: tesla_state
      state_topic: "teslamate/cars/1/state"
      icon: mdi:car-connected

    - name: tesla_since
      state_topic: "teslamate/cars/1/since"
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:clock-outline

You have read this?
MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant (

User mqttexplorer to see the topics available and then created the needed sensors