Integration of Zapf Garage into Home Assistant

Hey folks,

I have already some stuff in my home assistant server running on an Intel NUC on PVE. Anyway, I have a garage that unfortunately is some 30m away from the house I have a condo in. Thus, my wifi is not strong enough to cover the garage’s area. I guess I could install a 4g router there to connect anything to the internet. No idea so far how to connect anything to my home network then and my home assistant eventually. Anyway, the main concern is, I have a garage door from Zapf (maybe only common in Germany?) without any smart features. I can control the door with a remote though (open/close/open slightly for climatic reasons). There’s a smart connect bundle from Zapf but extremely expensive (300-400€) and so I’m looking for a cheaper solution.

Did anyone manage to get a garage door from Zapf into home assistant with any adapter or so?

Any ideas how to get any smart device / actor into home assistant from a remote location?

An omni antenna is spreading its signal in all directions.
It is such one normal access points use.
There is directional antennas too and when the signal is concentrated it will reach much further.
A line of sight between the two points becomes more important as the angle of signal spread is lowered though.

Other than that there is long range technologies like LoRa and ESP-Now.