Integration off eminent ip camera

I have this eminent ip camera wich works great true the app and i can view it true ip adress. I now want to integrate it in home assistant , but its just not working for me… It has http adres , it has rstp , it has onvif , but just cant get the integration to work… Wich is the easiest way to do this? I don’t want extra features for now , just to view the camera in my lovelace or appdaemon hadashboard.
All help is welcome!

have you tried this:

or this:

Hi Fifke,

I have exactly the same problem!
I have an Eminent EM6225 camera and can’t get it to work.
I only have a still image working now…

Help is very appreciated indeed!

I have tried with the above without succes…
I think i am getting closer though , i get a player just it says it is inactif… All help apreciated!

I have got mine working using the onvif settings

Can you show your configuration fifke?

Thanks in advance!

First off all : My camera type is eminent EM 6360 ,
if you go to the setting off your camera , you can select in the menu ONVIF , there you can set a port for the ONVIF .

  - platform: onvif
    host: your ip adress for the camera
    name: your camera name
    username: your username
    password: your password
    port: the port you have set in the onvif section i mentioned in the text above

I hope i could help you with this , this works for me . I can see the camera in my dashboards as well.

Thanks fifke, i’ll give it a try!


When implementing through onvif did you get only the camera or also other sensors like motion detection to work in Home Assistant?
