Hi! In the Netherlands and lots of other countries in Europe, Allego is a very common provider for public chargers. They have a map on their own website, see Find us - Allego.
This map uses their own API, which I reverse engineered. This allows us to put in a serial number of a public charger (which is clearly physically abeled on all of them, for remote assistance and troubleshooting) such as “NLALLEGO0124631”. With 1 API request, we retrieve information about lots of information about the charger, but most importantly, status information. This could be “available”, “busy”, “charging_complete” and other statuses. Furthermore pricing per kWh and other information is retrieved.
Using this information, I would find it very informative to add a simple status indicator for the two public chargers in my street, right in my Home Assistant overview! I cannot see the chargers from my home, so with this API, I could see which charger is available without needing to check them both out physically!
I have tried a few times to setup the development environment to start developing something myself, but I am mostly experienced only with front-end engineering in typescript and backend engineering in C#. I just can’t seem to get past problem solving and the basics in python.
If anyone would be interested in making such an integration or helping me out, that would be amazing! I’ll provide a little bit more detail about Allego’s API below.