Integration Request - Eyedro Solar-Ready Home WiFi Energy Monitor (EYEFI-2)

Thank you this helped!

Hi Mark J, we’ve had many customers asking about Home Assistant support and I see from this thread that you are local. We are willing to help optimize the Home Assistant integration but since none of our engineers currently use Home Assistant a call would be helpful with someone that understand HA. Please reach out to us at Eyedro Support ([email protected]) if you’re interested.
– Eyedro Support


Any update on this?

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Another UPvote here, pretty please :pray:

Here’s a screenshot of the UI on their website. It would be soooo amazing to trigger automations off this.

Quick example of how crucial this data can be. I monitor my energy on my well water pump. Its crucial I get notified of irregular power usage. If there is, that means there’s a leak somewhere, or the pump is failing. Pretty vital details when you’re on a shared private well with several other neighbors. Many thanks to the HA gods for your attention here. :kissing_heart:

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_k_w: Any chance you could provide your updated RESTful sensor YAML (assuming you’re still using Eyedro with HA)? HA has changed enough that what you wrote back in '22 no longer works with HA v2024.8.3