Integration request

I dont know if there is an API

Request to integration -

Monster SMART Illuminessence

I don’t know if you’ve found discovered this yet but you can add Monster devices to the via the Tuya integration. I had to download the SmartLife app and re-setup my 3 LED strip lights with that app. I hope that helps.


Thank you for the information. I just picked some up because they were a good price and was hopeful that I could add these!

I appreciate it, going to try now!

FWIW: Thank you for making this comment. You made my night, this worked great for me!

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I have a Monster Smart Neon monster-5m-smart-neon-led-light-strip-indoor-outdoor/-/A-87880775 that I got from Target while I was visiting the US. I live in Canada.

I have it connected to my Google Home integration. It works fine via that for me.

I want to set up an old tablet to let non-technical people turn on and off devices, so they don’t have to know how to talk to Google, or know the names of my devices.
Hence I am trying to set up Home Assistant.

Perhaps I’m making this more difficult than it needs to be. Is there a (reasonably simple) way to have Home Assistant just have access to all the Google Home devices?

I followed this tutorial, but at the end I was did the opposite of what I wanted. I had all my devices from Home Assistant controlled by Google Home. I was hoping for the other way around, since Home Assistant is the one that doesn’t know how to control anything yet.

Now I have gone through the Tuya integration and I am struggling. The device shows up on my Cloud → Development → All Devices section, but when I connect to Tuya to Home Assistant I have 0 devices.

Does anyone have any advice?

Picked up one of these at Walmart but the newest version apparently doesn’t work with the Tuya app - you have to use the Monster Smart Lighting app, so I can’t control the device with Home Assistant.

I do have it connected via Google Home but would be great to get this working in Home Assistant as well.

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I second this. Looks like some of the newer (or cheaper) Monster lights use this other app that is entirely independent of Tuya.

Better yet, their integration is worse with external services compared to the previous.

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