Integration Shelly into HA via Mesh

Hi there…
I have the problem that I can’t see the Shelly in HA.
I’m using a router with its own IP range and a mesh network (TP DECO) which unfortunately creates its own IP range. I can reach the Shell devices and HO. Unfortunately HA doesn’t recognize the Shelly devices.

IP Shelly e.g.

I’m in the mesh’s WiFi and can access the router and the Shelly.

Same Prob with Hue - Brigde connect LAN to Router- no Probs - but cant find one of the 8 Lamps.

Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this? THANKS for the help.

Why do you have 2 subnets?

cause the Mesh needs a own… Have 3 x DecoX50 and 2x DecoX50 Outdoor…

it is not possible to operate them in the same network (which also surprised me)

Hi Bene,
You might be able to set the mesh into AP mode and flatten everything. I don’t know the equipment but that should be possible.

HA can be made to work with multiple subnets, but since every set-up like that is unique, that is an

configuration, meaning if it breaks you will need to know how to fix it without much if any help from here.

Opened communication between the subnets for all traffic protocols, or at least between static IP’s of the devices you want talking to each other? I have numersou shelly devices on an iot vlan (192.168.10.X) that talk to HA and handhelds on the regular vlan (192.168.0.x) with no issue… YOu probably have a firewall restrictiont/issue

:frowning: y for the answers.
No firewall installed.

I have also eufy - this works. Only the Shelly weren´t find in HA…
HUE Bridge und switch found - but no lamps. Crazy…:frowning:

The Eufy HA integration is cloud based, it emulates a phone. So that would even work outside your lan. If the hue bridge is connected by ethernet, it would be on the other subnet, so it would also be a different story.

The solution was to connect in HA the snd Wifi. Now it works :slight_smile: