Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

Thank you for the quick reply.
I have one more question: The main router is mikrotik - can it be routed in such a way that the 192.168.8 subnet … is seen in the 192.168.1 subnet …

Hello, could you please post all the code of your integration. I have the same inverter and settings from this description.

Sorry for the newbie question but would I add the edited sensor template

      friendly_name: "PV Total Generated"
      entity_id: sensor.sun2000l_5ktl
      unit_of_measurement: 'kw'
      icon_template: mdi:solar-power
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.sun2000l_5ktl', 'total_yield') }}"

straight under the

  - platform: huawei_solar   
    host: '192.168.xx.xx'

entry in my config file?

It should be under sensors

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "PV Total Generated"
      entity_id: sensor.sun2000l_5ktl
      unit_of_measurement: 'kw'
      icon_template: mdi:solar-power
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.sun2000l_5ktl', 'total_yield') }}"

i recently installed the SUN2000L-3KTL

Question @Emilv2 :
The integration is working fine but the update frequentie is to high (the green light is blinking all the time) is there a way to configure the update interval to 30sec?

I like to share the kios api, maybe it’s helpful to someone, it is for me

I discover that Huawei has a kios api, you can easy use it in you configuration.yaml file.
(there is a small latency)

  1. Sign in to your huawei portal
  2. Click on the “Kiosk” button
  3. You should replace “replace_with_your_kios_id” in the script below with your own kios_id you can find it in the kiosk url.
  4. Check out my GitHub Readme
  5. Restart Home Assistant
1 Like

The default update interval is 60 seconds. Why do you think the update frequency is too high if the green light is blinking? According to the explanation on the side that just means there is a modbus connection.

Looks good! That seems to be new, or I just overlooked it before. It does seem to have most of the important values, but not all of them. I prefer using a local api when it’s available, but especially for those who have older models that need to connect to the inverter with an extra device this can be useful.

I was a worried that interval was 1 sec (afraid there are lot of WiFi traffic, because of the blinking light) but 60 sec is good. I also prefer the local api. I will try that setup

Hi, can someone help me with the configuration file?
I’m running HA on docker, debian 10.5, file with configuration:
After start I get this message in HA:

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
Please check your config.

My folder structure:

├── automations.yaml
├── configuration.yaml
├── custom_components
│   ├──
│   ├── huawei_solar
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── manifest.json
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   │   ├── __init__.cpython-38.pyc
│   │   │   └── sensor.cpython-38.pyc
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── __pycache__
│       └── hello_world.cpython-38.pyc
├── deps
├── groups.yaml
├── home-assistant.log
├── home-assistant_v2.db
├── scenes.yaml
├── scripts.yaml
├── secrets.yaml
└── tts

6 directories, 18 files
root@debian10:/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant# pico configuration.yaml

I tried to launch some simple, and it wokrs just fine.
Have no idea where is the problem.
I copied files from
I haven’t changing anything in this files, only in configuration.yaml
Thanks in advance.

Why do you have

  - platform: huawei_solar   
    host: ''

I was thinking that sensor is only for “showing a way” to device, for example on TCP/IP Protocol. Second was a trigger huawei solar: to launch a instance.
After removing huawei solar:, nothing appears in developer tools.
How can I get access to this sensor?

Do you have anything in logs from huawei_sensor? Can you connect to inverter from python?

import huawei_solar
inverter = huawei_solar.HuaweiSolar('')

I got this message, after typing abowe commands.

Run python in any other folder, now it imports the huawei_solar costum component instead of the pypi package. I probably should give them a different name so this can’t happen…

Thanks guys :partying_face:,
I have installed package via pip from everything went smoothly.
For now I’m preparing some integrations with other devices and software (like NodeJS).
What I have to say is that I was using all the time Smart Dongle from huawei. What was interesting - as a client in Access Point Smart Dongle got open port 502 - modbus (screen shot from port scan), I was sure that this will work…

Modbus TCP on smart dongle is :poop:, not working at all (at least for now).
Only direct connection to inverter gives modbus access.
Thanks once again, If I have any problems I will write on forum :slight_smile:

I don’t have a smart dongle so I can’t really experiment with what is possible with it :frowning:

I have a Huawei with Smart Dongle and can’t get Modbus to work with it.
Could it possibly be some other port? C701 protocol? The Smart Dongle is a proxy?

I mean, if it can’t be made working I need to connect a serial to rpi and use Modbus RTU.
Or create an extension of the built-in AP into my home.

Only build in AP has Modbus TCP. Co can connect rpi to Huawei using wifi adapter.

But if I connect the rpi to the inverters AP, how do I connect the rpi to my network?