Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

Hi everyone, I need some help. I can’t connect the inverter to the network in any way.

Here are all the steps I’ve taken so far:

I got the TP-Link TL-WR802N to use as a WLAN bridge. I connected it via Wi-Fi to my PC for the initial configuration. I went to Wireless > Basic Settings, scanned the available networks, and selected the inverter’s network, which connected to the bridge correctly.

Then I went to the Operation Mode of the bridge and set it to Client. The bridge rebooted and received an IP from the inverter’s DHCP, in my case, The inverter has the address

At this point, I believe the connection between the inverter and the WLAN bridge is correct.

Now I need to connect the WLAN bridge to my home network. I connected the bridge to the FritzBox via LAN, and here is where the problem arises: the FritzBox assigns the bridge an IP address of, changing the one assigned by the inverter.

At this point, the bridge is easily reachable from the home network, but the inverter’s address is no longer reachable.


Is it posible to get infomation then an sistem is limiting power to grid.

My configuration - two inverters (10×6 kW) end power meter. I have 10kW limit to grid.

I want to turn on AC or water heter then production is more then 10kW.

WLCRS v1.4.1 added this with sensor.inverter_active_power_control
If you have multiple cascaded inverters, this reading is taken from the primary inverter and conversely if setting it to a lower limit than the capacity of the inverter(s), this shows the total for all inverters (given the primary gets the limit being set and works it out across all inverters).

For your setup, this sensor (you have to enable it, as off by default) should be showing 10,000W.

For your scenario of turning on AC or Hot Water heater, that is actually nothing to do with this integration (WLCRS) or this thread. You need to look into blueprints for controlling those seperate to this integration.

i.e. You need to have your AC with a smart controller, that allows it be to monitored and controlled by Home Assistant. Likewise you need to have your Hot Water visible and controllable, this might mean needing to get a Shelly type device that supports the Current (Amps) load the heater will use (importantly including the initial spike that will be higher) and will be able to turn a relay controlling the power to the heater on/off.

(Or else see if your country has anything like: )

Once you have the AC/ Heater visible and controllable to HomeAssistant you can look at writing an automation (or see if there’s a blueprint that has this templated already) that will say ‘If Inverters Active Power (i.e. the output) is >= 10kW then turn on HotWater for xyz’ (you’ll then have the issue of how to turn it off. Unless you can see the temperature in the heater / AC and you’ll also want to have it saying dont turn on unless that kW has been steady for x minutes minimum and then if it goes below y kW for more than x minutes then turn off etc… Basically a way to avoid having the AC/Heater being turned on and off rapidly if a cloud goes by and Inverter Active Power output drops, or else you could damage your AC / Heater.

You will also need to have a derived sensor that combines the Active Power of the individual inverters into a single overall sensor. Example:

  # Provides the combined current Active Power of both inverters, in Watts.
  - sensor:
    - name: "Inverters - Active Power"
      unique_id: inverters_active_power
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: "power"
      state_class: measurement
      state: >-
        {% set inverter_1_active_power = states('sensor.inverter_active_power') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set inverter_2_active_power = states('sensor.inverter_active_power_2') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set count = 0 %}
        {% set sum = 0 %}

        {% if states('sensor.inverter_active_power') != ['unknown', 'unavailable', 'none'] %}
          {% set sum = sum + inverter_1_active_power %}
          {% set count = count + 1 %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if states('sensor.inverter_active_power_2') != ['unknown', 'unavailable', 'none'] %}
          {% set sum = sum + inverter_2_active_power %}
          {% set count = count + 1 %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if count > 0 %}
          {{ sum | round(1) }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      availability: >
        {% set inverter_1_available = has_value('sensor.inverter_active_power') %}
        {% set inverter_2_available = false %}
        {% if 'sensor.inverter_active_power_2' in states %}
          {% set inverter_2_available = has_value('sensor.inverter_active_power_2') %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ inverter_1_available or inverter_2_available }}

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Does anyone have an example of using huawei_solar.set_tou_periods or any alternative to make the sun2000 charge during the octopus intelligent dispatch (ie dynamic cheap rate)?

The rules that I created use a forced charge with 1440 minutes, but a change recently means that as soon as it his 100% then the battery starts to discharge again (which since the intelligent dispatch period is charging an EV causes a real problem).

I guess there is a issue with the latest HA update
its stopping record History of all entities

Seems to be this Recorder issue:

will try

thank you!


it worked!

Im looking for the answer too. Can you share what you find please?

it’s normal battery_day_discharge and battery_day_charge update about every 3 minute only? and not more frequently, even if I updated the polling to 15 sec

Adjust ir for your entity System

PS: they ONLY update if they value changes on they inverter/batt

PS 2: dispite is 5secs on my “auto refresh”, HA as a system limit to minimum 10secs

alias: Update Energia Solar
description: “”

  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: “"
    minutes: "

    seconds: /5
  • service: homeassistant.update_entity
    data: {}
    area_id: energia_solar
    mode: single

i’ve a similar conf, every entity updates every 15sec, but only battery_day_discharge and battery_day_charge updates about every 3 minutes. is some known limitation of the inverter registry?

If you have battery could you check if you also have a very stepped battery_day_discharge sensor history? a step about every 3 min

I see it with “Batteries State of capacity”, and updates ehrn the value changes, for exemple, now i have the batt at 100% and says last update more then One hour ago, and i know its refreshing every 10sec

please check also battery_day_discharge sensors, the kwh discharged

PS: your steps seems also 3/4 minutes. but the state of capacity is not a good sensor to check this… because has only 100 possible states

As of v1.4.x the different sensors and devices (i.e. inverter / optimizers / battery / meter) were seperated out from each other. This was intentional as some items like the optimizers (only updated every 5min) and battery are not required to be polled as often as the inverter / meter.
This change also meant those that needed to be polled faster could be, as previously the other devices needed to complete their poll before a new poll could be initiated.

PS. IMHO I don’t know why there’s currently a race to get to some crazy low <5s poll frequency. If you want a system that shows realtime power and energy data, install an IoTaWatt and CT’s on all your circuits, ~2,100 samplings taken per second and published via its www or there’s an integration for HA. Great for instantaneous trouble shooting type data, but for 99% of usage the standard WLCRS Huawei integration poll data is fine… end of the day the data readings between the two are extremely close (allowing for slight variation even in Class 1 power monitoring/billing type meters).

for 99% user surely the standard polling is sufficient. I was trying to calculate battery conversion losses for my personal curiosity :slight_smile:
You can confirm battery data charge/discharge is limited to updates about every 3 min? Is there any way to change this?

the following is my polling automation:

- alias: Huawei Solar Integration data polling
  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: '*'
    minutes: '*'
    seconds: /15
  - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      - sensor.inverter_daily_yield
      - sensor.battery_day_discharge
      - sensor.power_meter_active_power

as far i tested, value only changes when changes… for exemple, i have the sensor “battery_charge_discharge_power” and its updated every 10 secs, but the battery % only when % changes

as i sayed please check also “battery_day_discharge” (energy, not power!) i bet you see updates every 3 min and not every 10 sec

it’s not “linear” in time (same with discharge)

it seams it “accumulates” and then sends the data

Hi everyone just set up the integration on my SUN2000-6KTL and with 10kWh battery and could do with some help on the basic setup:

  • PV Yield: The power produced by my solar panels.
  • Import: The power imported from the grid.
  • Export: The power exported to the grid.
  • Battery charge/discharge: Power in/out
  • Home Consumption: The total power consumed by my home.
  • Daily Totals: The daily total for each of the above sensors.

I was hoping there was some standard yaml code I could copy and paste?