Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

It sounds like it is I that miss something here… If this is possible (obviously it does), why does the SDongle(Wifi) exist at all?
I actually have a 4G dongle. But that is because the installer could not find my wifi dongle when they installed, so they gave me a 4G (which was the only ones they had in stock). But that is nothing I need (or even wanted).
Where exactly do I change this setting to get it to work without dongle?

Like many I also encountered many problems to enable the MODBUS for the Huawei SUN2000 17KTL-M0.

Updates and new versions nothing solved my problem.
After a time-out I made another attempt and it was successful.
I have installed the latest inverter software (V100R001C00SPC146) and dongle (V100R001C00SPC130) software.
I found out that I could set the dongle connection to Enable (unristricted) via the fusionsolar web interface.
After this I could finally set up the MODBUS connection.

Plants-> Device management-> Choose the Dongle → Configuration → Connections → Enable (unristricted)

The helpdesk also did not know that this was possible.

The connection is stable for me.

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Can someone help me with the below?

Just like in the energy dashboard, I want to calculate the total consumption because I want to use it in a different way.

The total energy consumption from the energy dashboard cannot be retrieved as an entity.

In the development tool I get it done, but when I copy it to YAML I get error messages.

What do I have to do to get it working?

- sensor:
    - name: "Total power use"
    {% if states('sensor.omvormer_active_power') in ("unavailable", "unknown") %}
    state: "{{states('sensor.power_consumption')|float}}"
    {% else %}
    state: "{{states('sensor.omvormer_active_power')|float/1000 + states('sensor.power_consumption')|float - states('sensor.power_production')|float}}"
    {% endif %}

Can you share screenshots of the correct location to do this in FusionSolar web? Then I can add that info to the Wiki.
Do you have an installer account or just a regular user account over there?

Hi, where can I buy this connector?(COM port) I can’t find it anywhere

This is part of your inverter, but it can look different depending on your model. Consult the documentation of your model to find where the RS485A1 and B1 pin are located

Well, the last message of Marchel with updated inverter and dongle firmware versions may be another solution for those that have dongles. You could avoid having to use the EW11 totally.

Anyway, for those that don’t have a dongle and want to have their inverter connected to their Wifi router without it while benefiting from FusionSolar statistics. I cannot give the precise name of each section because my FusionSolar App presents menus in French (my native language), but you should be able to find the right item to select from my approximate translation to English below.

You’ll need installer rights. Note that this makes you powerful: changes in the inverter’s configuration that matter a lot and may render your inverter useless suddenly become accessible. If you know what you do or if you stick to the “communication configuration” area, there is no risk.

You have to connect to the inverter Access Point (the default password is Changeme, many installers don’t change it). Alternatively, you can connect by scanning a QR code on the bottom right side of the inverter.

Once you are connected to the inverter AP, start FusionSolar (I use the Android App), go to the ‘Configuration assistant’ (top left), and identify your inverter. Again, you can scan the QR code on the bottom right side of the inverter to identify it. Click on the"Connection" button on the right of your inverter image. You’ll be asked for the installer password. The default password is ‘0000a’ if I remember well and most installers don’t change it. If this does not work, ask your installer to give you the password or to do the job below (he/she should have done it).

Once connected, click the “Settings” area (bottom left). On the next screen select “Communication configuration” (bottom line) and then “Inverter router connection”. There enter your Wifi SSID and password. Save and exit. Your inverter will connect to the internet through your Wifi network and Fusion Solar will get the statistics. No need for a dongle.

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thanks for your reply, I have this inverter Huawei SUN 2000-6KTL-L1, but do not have a COM connetor whit 8-pins, where i can buy?

If MODBUS Selection is not possible via the SUN2000 APP:

  1. Follow all steps as in the manual (installer account).
  2. If step 8 is not possible because this option is not present:
  3. Go to
  4. Go to Device Management via menu Plants
  5. Select the dongle device
  6. Select Set Parameters
  7. Select Connection parameters
  8. Select Connection:
  9. Make the selection Enable (unrestricted)
  10. Save the change.


Thanks, I added it as a footnote in the Wiki

Thank you! I’ll check this. I have connected previously as installer with the 00000a-password, so that should not be a problem.

Hi everyone,

My first post here after spending 2 months on this community learning how to integrate my SUN2000 into Home Assistant. Finaly my integration is working in a Virtual Machine on my Synology NAS and MODBUS communication is made through an old TP Link Archer C20 with Open WRT on it.
So now it’s time to go further and move my HA installation on another piece of hardware, I am talking about NET-I-2I380D from LEX
…the great part is that this piece of hardware has native 2 COM ports embeded, freely configurable in BIOS as RS232, RS485 or RS422.
So far the MODBUS RS485 communication is docummented only for USB to RS485 adapter, RS485 to WiFi adapter and ofcourse through internal AP of the inverter.
The question is if someone has experienced till now native RS485 - MODBUS comunication between SUN2000 and HA. Anyway I’ll give it a try since I allready deployed a fresh installation of HAOS on the NET-I system and is running great on it. Regards.

The integration should support this scenario. Just pass the correct device when setting up the integration via Serial. I would expect something like /dev/ttyS1. If you’re having problems, please debug with a separate tool to check if you can read some registers from the inverter. For example with mbpoll.

Untested example command:
mbpool -m rtu -a 1 -r 30000 -c 15 -b 9600 /dev/ttyS1

log file notifications

The SUN2000 inverter switches off when the solar panels no longer have a yield.
As a result, the log file is full of all notifications because the inverter is not available.
How can it be prevented that when the inverter is off, the log file fills up with all these notifications?

Hello @yousaf465 ,

thanks for your comments. I tried to build this virtual sensors of the house consumption, but doest seems to work (doesnt appears in entity list).

Here is my code in the sensors.yaml (witch is linked to configuration yaml :wink: )

# Virtual sensor huawei consumption

            value template: "{{ states('sensor.grid_active_power') | int + states('sensor.active_power') | int }}"
            device_class: power
            unit_of_measurement: W
            unique_id: house_total_consumption
  • sensor.active_power : the solar production

  • sensor.grid_active_power : export or import to grid

Any idea of what’s wrong in my code or manip?

NB: check config : invalid :frowning:

Many thanks!

Hello, did you measured the power consumption of your installation (inverter + battery) at night when your battery is empty ?
Measurement by external sensor, not the value provided by Huawei ?

I deduced the real power draw from the inverter+battery by the time it took for my battery to lose 1%SoC. If the battery is empty, this method cannot be used.

The inverter goes into standby when the minimal SoC is reached. I haven’t measured how much the inverter still draws in that mode, but I imagine that it will be a minimal amount because the “DC to AC” circuitry can be shut down.


i have the same problem, too. But: There is no Other device connected (anymore) How can i make Modbus TCP working again ?

Was able to solve that by restarting the whole Inverter…

Another Question:

How can i calculate my daily Power Usage? I was able to Manage to see my current usage
( states(“sensor.inverter_input_power”) |float - states(“sensor.power_meter_active_power”))

But iam not able to summarize that on a daily base. The Reason: I would like to generate some more graphs in grafana.

i have the same problem, have you solved it?

Because i dont have the GRID sensors, i used that one:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Aktueller Hausverbrauch (W)"
        device_class: power
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        unique_id: sensor_aktueller_hausverbrauch
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.inverter_input_power") |float - states("sensor.power_meter_active_power") | float }}'

Anyway, how to calculate the SELF used solar energy? I dont get it :frowning: Thats the last part missing for my Dashboard.