Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

Hi, can someone help with this error , after the last update from 2.8.6 to 2.8.7 for HA on a raspberry pi4

Requirements for huawei_solar not found: [‘huawei-solar==2.0.0rc6’].

Please update the integration. You are using an outdated and unsupported version.

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I have pulled an issue here

Hey all - I’ve not checked in on this thread for a while as everything has been working great, thank you wlcrs!

I’m wondering if anyone has done the latest inverter update and if so, is everything still working?

I’m currently using two inverters, I connect to both via the inverter wifi and poll them individually, combining the figures using templates, which works great.

I’m also dynamically adjusting the battery charge amount, so that I can minimise the amount we push back to the grid (this helps the voltage not get too high and stops the inverters from shutting down due to over-voltage condition).

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Just finishing migration from the older version to your latest version (from scratch) and it working great!!
Thanks for you guys effort and support!!!
My old version : V1.0.0 by Emilv2
My latest version : V1.1.2 by wlcrs

which card you used for the statistic chart?

heres is mine

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  color_threshold: true
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
graph_span: 1d
  start: day
    type: area
    show: true
    enabled: true
    show: false
    type: gradient
      inverseColors: true
      type: vertical
      shadeIntensity: 0.7
      opacityFrom: 0.7
      opacityTo: 0.3
    show: false
  stroke_width: 1
    func: last
    duration: 5m
  curve: smooth
  type: area
  - entity: sensor.inverter_input_power
    color: '#FFD700'
    name: Solar Power
    extend_to: now
    transform: return x / 1000;
    unit: kW
    float_precision: 2
  - entity: sensor.inverter_active_power
    color: lime
    name: Inverter Power
    extend_to: now
    transform: return x / 1000;
    unit: kW
    float_precision: 2
  - entity: sensor.power_meter_active_power
    color: '#FF6347'
    name: Grid Import
    extend_to: now
    transform: return -Math.min(0,x) / 1000;
    unit: kW
    float_precision: 2


Hello to all

I’ve just installed a SUN2000-4KTL-L1

my question is (and others more)… where to place this?

- alias: "Huawei Solar inverter data polling"
    - platform: time_pattern
      hours: "*"
      minutes: "*"
      seconds: "/10"
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
        entity_id: sensor.daily_yield

Also another question

when battery is 100%, the “inverter active power” value changes to the “input power” from solar panels

with this, i can’t know what is beeing used to power the house

how can i get the “load” from house?

i tried getting the house consumption like in the standard energy panel in a few ways and in the end got to a version that seems to work alright for me

  - sensor:
    - name: Home energy consumption
      unique_id: home_energy_consumption
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: energy
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
      state: "{{ ((states('sensor.hourly_solar_yield_meter') | float) - (states('sensor.hourly_grid_exported_meter') | float)) + (states('sensor.hourly_grid_consumption_meter') | float) }}"

    source: sensor.grid_consumption
    name: Hourly Grid Consumption Meter
    cycle: hourly
    source: sensor.grid_exported
    name: Hourly Grid Exported Meter
    cycle: hourly
    source: sensor.total_yield
    name: Hourly Solar Yield Meter
    cycle: hourly
    source: sensor.home_energy_consumption
    name: Daily Home Consumption Meter
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.home_energy_consumption
    name: Monthly Home Consumption Meter
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.home_energy_consumption
    name: Yearly Home Consumption Meter
    cycle: yearly

i now get the daily/monthly/yearly load on the utility meters and can plot it in grafana

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@Pedro_Trancoso and @dMopp see if the above helps you in any way

i also can t say thank you enough to @wlcrs for this AMAZING addon

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Same here bro. Did you got any solution for this?

I just put it manually in automation page

  • First navigate to the automation page


  • Then navigate back to Devices & Services


  • Then click on the three dot and turn off enable polling for updates.



Hope this help!! :sweat_smile:


nop, i can’t get the house consumption “live”

Does anyone know which sensor represent real time energy export to grid?

I’ve just copied, but the data doesn’t refresh every 5s

maybe Rp3 can’t handle with so much data

PS: tomorrow will recieve a new mini-pc Chuwi Herobox just for HA

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mine refresh every 10 sec. I guess 10 sec is the max value xD

maybe it is an HA limitation…

but what i really want is how to get “house consumption”


the value of “carga” (bellow - house)

Besides the RTU-to-TCP bridge, which cables can be used to properly connect to pin1/2 of the COM port?
I have some jumper wire cables available but the connector is too thin. The inverter is located inside so waterproofing is not needed.

Screenshot 2022-09-02 184612

You need the communications terminal to attach to that port, see: SUN2000-(2KTL-6KTL)-L1 Installation Video - YouTube. If you don’t have a power meter/battery, the installer might not have installed it at all. Hopefully you still have it lying around?