Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

Dear juergenjw,

I DM you, i don’t want to bother the forum! :slight_smile:

Have you had any luck with this?
I’d also like to try and get data directly from the Power Meter, see if I can get higher polling frequency.

Hi is it possible to export energy when the electricity price is over a certain price per kWh, and otherwise restrict the inverter so it only covers your household needs. I know this can be done directly in the inverter, (grid feed-in power) i have done that many times, but it would be much easier if it could be done in Home assistant? Anyone tried this or have a solution for it?

I got it sorted

Hola Ribe
I am learning and your solution looks really interesting to me. Any guidance would be welcomed


I want to install additional solar panels on my shed. I Already have panels on my main roof with an SMA inverter. My panel supplier told me it might be interesting to choose for a hybrid Huawei inverter now as I could then easily add batteries to it.

Although this sounds like a good future proof idea, I’m a bit concerned about the necessity of the Huawei power meter. This meter should be installed on the main electricity line but I can’t do that as my inverter is in my shed an I can’t pull any new cables between shed & home. Is this meter really required? There is an ethernet connection though, but the power meter & the inverter only seem to communicate over RS485.

Do I have full self control (through this integration) how and when I want to charge / discharge the battery without this Huawei power meter? I already have my own energy management system running (reading meter values through P1 port / DSMR) so this meter doesn’t make a lot of sense (for me), but I’m not entirely sure over the level of self control I have with this inverter without the power meter installed.

TLDR: Do I have full self control (through this integration) how and when I want to charge / discharge the battery without the Huawei power meter?

Hi …
Can you explain me step by step…
I see you make some changes in YAML configuration
But the 1 sensors … I don’t understand whare you make that changes…
Thanks I’m beginner with that

Hi, I’ve just upgraded to 1.4.1, and I can see that none of the entities for my battery update anymore, unless I reload the automation. I’ve also noticed that I seem to have an extra device now (maybe it’s been there for some time, but I hadn’t noticed it until now), there used to be only 3 (battery, inverter and power meter), but now the integration is showing 4 (batteries, battery 1, inverter and power meter). Has anyone else noticed this? I’ve tried redownloading an older version (1.4.0). Kinda buggering up all my solar automations now…

‘Batteries’ is a new device/entity that was added in v1.4. This is for if you have multiple batteries as it publishes the sum total of discharge/charge, bus, voltage etc for all the batteries combined. This is a change that was flagged back in the v1.4.0Alpha releases.

You might also want to keep on eye on this issue that has been created (but its actually a Huawei issue/bug to fix, not WCLRS) - [Bug]: Error between Battery and Batteries Charge/Discharge Power sensor values · Issue #720 · wlcrs/huawei_solar · GitHub

Re new sensors, there is a new one for the individual battery called ‘Battery 1 Remaining charge/discharge time’ (sensor.battery_1_none_2) just wondering if your seeing this sensor report anything, or it also remains on ‘0 min’ like the one I have?

Thanks for letting me know, must have missed that in the release notes back in 1.4.0 alpha.

As soon as I noticed the issue, I rolled back my HA to the last back up I had (I did try rolling back the integration, but the double batteries devices were still present), so right now I can’t say if there was a difference between the batteries state of charge, and the battery state of charge entities (and how they reported values), but I could definitely see that the battery state of charge entity, seemed to belong to the new batteries device, and all entities under the batteries device were not updating.

So for now, I don’t really want to update the integration until I know that I can have a battery device, where the entities update reliably, as I have many automations dependent on the battery.

Hi all,
I’ve searched but not found how it’s possible calculate at the moment and get this values:

From the PV the sensor is: sensor.inverter_active_power, but for “to grid”, “house” not found the values.
The idea, is for doesn’t use anymore the app and have this values on HA.

Anyone have find this values?
Thank you

I’ve posted above how to get those values
it’s in configuration.yaml and also tiles

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Hello! I have achieved to do the full integration but I have no devices nor entities in the HuaweiSolar integration. I only can see the inverter but as an “entry”.
Does anyone have any idea what can be happenning?
Thank you very much!!!

Hi everyone, I need some help. I can’t connect the inverter to the network in any way.

Here are all the steps I’ve taken so far:

I got the TP-Link TL-WR802N to use as a WLAN bridge. I connected it via Wi-Fi to my PC for the initial configuration. I went to Wireless > Basic Settings, scanned the available networks, and selected the inverter’s network, which connected to the bridge correctly.

Then I went to the Operation Mode of the bridge and set it to Client. The bridge rebooted and received an IP from the inverter’s DHCP, in my case, The inverter has the address

At this point, I believe the connection between the inverter and the WLAN bridge is correct.

Now I need to connect the WLAN bridge to my home network. I connected the bridge to the FritzBox via LAN, and here is where the problem arises: the FritzBox assigns the bridge an IP address of, changing the one assigned by the inverter.

At this point, the bridge is easily reachable from the home network, but the inverter’s address is no longer reachable.


Is it posible to get infomation then an sistem is limiting power to grid.

My configuration - two inverters (10×6 kW) end power meter. I have 10kW limit to grid.

I want to turn on AC or water heter then production is more then 10kW.

WLCRS v1.4.1 added this with sensor.inverter_active_power_control
If you have multiple cascaded inverters, this reading is taken from the primary inverter and conversely if setting it to a lower limit than the capacity of the inverter(s), this shows the total for all inverters (given the primary gets the limit being set and works it out across all inverters).

For your setup, this sensor (you have to enable it, as off by default) should be showing 10,000W.

For your scenario of turning on AC or Hot Water heater, that is actually nothing to do with this integration (WLCRS) or this thread. You need to look into blueprints for controlling those seperate to this integration.

i.e. You need to have your AC with a smart controller, that allows it be to monitored and controlled by Home Assistant. Likewise you need to have your Hot Water visible and controllable, this might mean needing to get a Shelly type device that supports the Current (Amps) load the heater will use (importantly including the initial spike that will be higher) and will be able to turn a relay controlling the power to the heater on/off.

(Or else see if your country has anything like: )

Once you have the AC/ Heater visible and controllable to HomeAssistant you can look at writing an automation (or see if there’s a blueprint that has this templated already) that will say ‘If Inverters Active Power (i.e. the output) is >= 10kW then turn on HotWater for xyz’ (you’ll then have the issue of how to turn it off. Unless you can see the temperature in the heater / AC and you’ll also want to have it saying dont turn on unless that kW has been steady for x minutes minimum and then if it goes below y kW for more than x minutes then turn off etc… Basically a way to avoid having the AC/Heater being turned on and off rapidly if a cloud goes by and Inverter Active Power output drops, or else you could damage your AC / Heater.

You will also need to have a derived sensor that combines the Active Power of the individual inverters into a single overall sensor. Example:

  # Provides the combined current Active Power of both inverters, in Watts.
  - sensor:
    - name: "Inverters - Active Power"
      unique_id: inverters_active_power
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: "power"
      state_class: measurement
      state: >-
        {% set inverter_1_active_power = states('sensor.inverter_active_power') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set inverter_2_active_power = states('sensor.inverter_active_power_2') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set count = 0 %}
        {% set sum = 0 %}

        {% if states('sensor.inverter_active_power') != ['unknown', 'unavailable', 'none'] %}
          {% set sum = sum + inverter_1_active_power %}
          {% set count = count + 1 %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if states('sensor.inverter_active_power_2') != ['unknown', 'unavailable', 'none'] %}
          {% set sum = sum + inverter_2_active_power %}
          {% set count = count + 1 %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if count > 0 %}
          {{ sum | round(1) }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      availability: >
        {% set inverter_1_available = has_value('sensor.inverter_active_power') %}
        {% set inverter_2_available = false %}
        {% if 'sensor.inverter_active_power_2' in states %}
          {% set inverter_2_available = has_value('sensor.inverter_active_power_2') %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ inverter_1_available or inverter_2_available }}

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Does anyone have an example of using huawei_solar.set_tou_periods or any alternative to make the sun2000 charge during the octopus intelligent dispatch (ie dynamic cheap rate)?

The rules that I created use a forced charge with 1440 minutes, but a change recently means that as soon as it his 100% then the battery starts to discharge again (which since the intelligent dispatch period is charging an EV causes a real problem).

I guess there is a issue with the latest HA update
its stopping record History of all entities

Seems to be this Recorder issue:

will try

thank you!